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<br /> 06/07/95 14:13 NO. 259 = I <br /> ~ -- <br /> page 2 .1 <br /> ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS <br /> Wayne Gilbert of Alliant Techsystems said that no new information elcists on the Issue of I <br /> safety arcs. He answered questions on the availability of maps of existing safety ares and <br /> a map will be mailed out in the next TCAAP packet to committee members. Also I <br /> mentioned was that the National Guard is able to have operations within safety ares when <br /> the actions are mission related. The Pioneer Press map of the safety arcs in their 5/14/95 <br /> to 5/16/95 series on TCAAP was generally accurate and may help clarify the issue. I <br /> COMMlTl'EE FINAL PRODUCT AND FUTURE MEETING STRATEGY <br /> Molly Grove requested committee input on what the final product should contain. I <br /> Suggestions at this time include: <br /> · Report should include a dear explanation of the federal iovernment real estate <br /> disposal process (Frank BlasiaJc). I <br /> · Report should include aU meeting minutes, maps, etc from previous meetings <br /> (Denny Probst) . <br /> *. Suggestion that the .TCAAP Committee and the Arden Hills Planning T.ask Force I <br /> reports and materials be linked up wherever they are in agreement. The Taslt Force <br /> report will be completed by September 1, and will probably include graphics. a <br /> long-term perspective, recommendations on zoning needs, and may inelude a I <br /> model to analyze the fiSl:al impacts of various development scenarios (Denny <br /> Probst & Joyce Levine of Camiros, Lid Consulting Firm) -I <br /> · Report should include the District 621 School Survey currently being completed, <br /> and the Arsenal Cleanup Project materials (LeEtta Flicker) <br /> * Report should include the results from the Saint Paui Pioneer Press call-in line I <br /> where readers were encouraged to make suggestions on TCAM re-use (Jan <br /> Heaberlin) <br /> · Report should include two distinct sections or reports: Long term and Interim Use I <br /> (Marsha Soucheray) <br /> · Report should include, if necessary, any separate materials being generated by the <br /> regular meetings of the area Mayors. (Later discussion detennined that the results I <br /> of those meetings are being brought forth into the Committee meetings, and there <br /> will not be any separate materials or suggestions) (Julie Trude) <br /> · The report needs to combine the broader needs and ideas of the surrounding I <br /> communities/region with the more specific plans of the City of Arden Hills (Matt <br /> Fulton) <br /> · The report style shouid include a short (couple page) executive summary and map I <br /> with all other documents located in an appendix. (Terry Nagel) <br /> · The report should include any available information from biological survey of the <br /> site (Mike Fix said in-house survey of flora and fauna may be available in time for I <br /> the committee to consider, and that a University professor has offered a class of <br /> students to also survey the site.) (Craig Andresen) <br /> I <br /> -I <br /> i -- I <br />