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<br /> 06/07/95 14: 13 ------ <br /> I NU.~~'::J 1)1:J4 <br /> page 3 <br /> . <br /> I. Suggestions for final report, con't.: <br /> I . The report perhaps should include a list of possible legislative actions that may be <br /> needed to address concerns encountered by the committee. (MII!t Fulton) <br /> I . The repon should consider how the site will connect to neighboring communities <br /> via roads,. bus routes,. infrastructure. etc. (Marsha Soucheray) <br /> . Should the report include a list of IISe3 that the committee does not want to see at <br /> I the site (e.g. casino's) (Julie Trude) <br /> Molly Grove requested committee input on the strategy for future meetings. A draft plan <br /> I and information base will be completed in order to begin public meetings. After . <br /> . discussion about the timing of public meetings,. the Office of Congressman Vente will <br /> begin pulling tQgether materials and have them available for handing out at the next - <br /> . . <br /> I committee meeting (and make them available at Arden Hills City Hall). Members of the <br /> audience requested clarification on the role of the committee and the Congressman on the <br /> TCAAP proje<:t. Molly Grove stated that she is representing the Congressml1ll, who bad <br /> I asked that Arden Hills and the neighboring :co~~ties take the lead in ~is ~ino <br /> order to maximize the communities input. .' . . , ' .... <br /> 1- NEW BUSINESS <br /> I~ OPERABLE UNIT 21CAMU <br /> Mike Fix presented background information on the cleanup efforts at the site. He also <br /> discussed tlie potential impact of national government funding cuts on the cleanup <br /> Ii process. In light of less funding, the feasibility studies on the cleanup of the TCAAP site <br /> have been broadened to include more cost-eff~tive solutions, while still considering legal <br /> and environmental requirements. Fix cautioned that there is not written policy on this yet., <br /> I' but that there have already been significant budget cuts to the TeAAP site budaet While <br /> items cut may not impact-the cleanup too badly this fiscal year, the funding picture is <br /> unclear at this point ss to the future. Denny Probst asked if the degree of clean-up will <br /> I be revisited since there is less funding (i.e. perhaps not clean the entire site to the <br /> cleanest, "residential" level). Mike Fix stated that if the committee recommends land-use <br /> ideas that impact the amount of clean-up, the process may move quicker (while once <br /> I again cautioning that the cleanup has to achieve standards to make sure that health and <br /> environmental safety is achieved)_ A discussion followed on the TCAAP site cleanup <br /> I efforts as they fit into national priorities (e.g. other sites that may currently be risking the <br /> health and safety of citizens, as compared to the TeAAP site. where those types of <br /> present risks have already been remediated). Mike Fix stated that, under certain <br /> I circumstances, it could become cheaper for the Department of Defense to continue to <br /> own the property and maintain security and fence lines, rather than to cleanup and <br /> dispense of the property. <br /> I: <br /> 1- <br /> ~ <br /> I' - _.,,~- <br /> -------- <br />