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<br /> -- -------.-.- <br /> 06/07/95 14:14 <br /> fjO.259 Gl05 I <br /> page 4. <br /> Mike Fix discussed the CAMU (Corrective Action Management Unit) concept, which .1 <br /> would allow economy of scale for intensive, efficient cleanup of property by using a <br /> centralized facility. This sort of process could speed up the cleanup process. However, I <br /> CAMU is still in the concept stage, and may not become reality in a declining funding <br /> situation. The actual CAMU location on the TCAAP site would be discussed later, and I <br /> the City of Arden Hills would be able to comment on where it would be located within <br /> the site. Discussion continued about the priority of TCAAP on a national list, since it Is <br /> uncertain at this time how limited and perhaps declining cleanup funds would be I <br /> distributed. <br /> PLANNING IDEAS AND DlSCUSSION I <br /> Craig Andresen suggested that areas of agreement on rcuti Iizati on of the site be P\lt up on <br /> a map. Denny Probst outlined the areas of agreement as to what are "parlr/open <br /> spacelrecreational", etc. Discussion involved the kames (hills) in the center of the site and I <br /> " their appropriateness fot possible development, and a discussion of the nature preserve <br /> concept as distinct from athletic fields. Other items discussed included: <br /> . . A tour of the site would be helpful now that committee members have more I <br /> information and ~kground. Possible tours (walking and riding) shouid be at .. <br /> times other than during Saturday morning meetings. (Craig Andresen and Marsha <br /> Soucheray ) I <br /> . The North Suburban Council has requested at a Arsena1 and Cleanup Conversion <br /> I Project meeting that adding to the Arden HillslRamsey County tax base be -I <br /> considered. (LeEtta Flecker) <br /> . OPUS will attend the next meeting and discuss a variety of development options <br /> (e.g. retail. industrial, housing. etc.) (Matt Fulton) <br /> .. The TCAM site is an opportunity to develop a more livable style community I <br /> (John Hustad) <br /> . Development and infrastructure. costs will be outlined as the Arden Hills fiscal <br /> model will figure out development costs and revenues generated. (Marsha I <br /> Soucheray and Denny Probst) <br /> .. To better understand the scope of the TCMP site, a scenario was put forth for <br /> illustration purposes only - putting houses on all of the &00 - 1,000 acres of I <br /> , potentially developable land would double the population of Arden Hills. (Denny <br /> j Probst) I <br /> , '" The need for joint athletic fields represents an opportunity for governments and <br /> I <br /> I communities to share resources in an efficient manner. (Matt Fulton) <br /> I <br /> I PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> i <br /> I I <br /> 'I Larry Holmberg suggested that, since the vision is long-range., discussion should possibly <br /> I include the State of Minnesota facilities at the Northwest comer of the site. Perhaps these <br /> ] sites may be relocated in the long time frame being considered by the committee. I <br /> .'] . <br /> ..,~ ..--' -I <br /> , <br /> ,~ <br /> - - '.'-~=''''''-':''-, I <br /> -- -....- --- <br />