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<br /> . <br /> .. <br /> . - <br /> L star Tribune/Thursdayl August 3/1995 lBw <br /> .- <br /> Tribe seeks land to build casino on Army site in Arden Hills <br /> Associated Press 1.370-acre site. but have never sub. "'We were aware through sources said tribal leaders want to meet with <br /> - mined a request in wnting to the that they've been continuing to pur. residents 10 describe the mutual <br /> . The Prairie Island Sioux have for- bureau. sue it." said Dennis Probst, mayor benetits of a casino. He saId build~ <br /> I mally asked the \1inneapoJis office of Arden Hills. "But we dido '[ know jog the casino makes sense because <br /> of the Bureau of Indian Affairs to The tnbe might have to wait for they had med a request. ,. it will help tribal members become <br /> buy the site af an Army ammun!- wme tIme betotl:~ acquiring the linanciaily self-sufficient. <br /> tion plant in Arden Hills 50 the land. however. The Army isn't ex- The request emphasizes that the <br /> tribe can build a casino there. petted to release the land until haz. tribe is willing to preserve open But many residents of Arden Hills <br /> - ardous.waste sites in the area are space and wetlands in [he area. and surrounding communities said <br /> Tribal leaders have previously dis. cleaned up. That process could take they are oPlXlsed to a casino in their <br /> cussed budding a casino at the 50 years and cost 5200 mIllion. Tribal counsel Robert Grey Eagie area. <br /> ~ <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> . <br /> I <br /> I . <br /> I <br />