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<br /> AUG-01-1995 16:47 BRld 612 370 1378 R.02/11 <br /> . . <br /> Cunk c:.mpt>-lI Sr. O...lynn Lehco <br /> P",sJd"nf V~I'fI$ld."t <br /> . 8yran WhIm AI.n W. Childs Sr. <br /> Seuerary TnHl$Urtl' <br /> MIch..1 J. ClliJcls Sr. RECEIVED <br /> A#iWlnt $ecrttOryrrfN$Uf'flf <br /> y\ <br /> PRAIRIE ISLAND CDMMUNITY COUNCIL JUL 0 1995 <br /> 1158 ISLAND BOULEVARD TRIBAL OPERA-' Ju.. <br /> WELCH, MN. 55089 <br /> RESOLUTION 95-6-;2'1-10 <br /> WHEREAS, the Prairie Island Indian Community in the Slate 01 Minl1esota is organized <br /> pursuant to the provisions 01 the Indian ReorganiZation Act 011934 (48 Stat. 984), and <br /> is governed by the terms of the 'Constitution and Bylaws 01 the Prairie Island Indian <br /> Community in Minnesota' which was adopted by the tnbal members on May 23. 1936. <br /> and 3;lproved by the Secretary ot the Interior on June 20,1936: and <br /> WHEREAS. Article IV-Governing Body. Section 1. of the Constitution and Bylaws of tile <br /> Prairie Island Indian Community in Minnesota provides ..."ltJhe governing body 01 the <br /> Community organization sllall be called 'The Community Council 01 the Prairie Island <br /> Indian Reservation' "...; and <br /> I . WHEREAS. lhe Community Council has the authority to pursuant to Article V-Powers <br /> Section 1. (a) "[tjo negotiate with the Federal. Stale. and local governments on behalf <br /> ot the Community. and to advise and consult with the representatives of ltle Interior <br /> - Department on all activities of lhe Department that may affect the Prairie Island Indian <br /> Community,", .and <br /> WHEREAS. the Prairie Istand Indian Communily Council as a governing authority for <br /> I the Prairie lsland Indian Community possesses all the attributes. powers. rights and <br /> privileges of a federally recognized sovereign government which enables them to <br /> participate in the government to government relationship with the Federal. State and <br /> I local governments; and <br /> WHEREAS. the Prairie Island Indian Community Council is cognizant ot the fact there <br /> I exists a longstanding legal and historical relationship between Federally recognized <br /> indian Tribes and tM United Stales government: and <br /> WHEREAS. the Prairie Island Indian Community is further cognizant of tile lactthat the <br /> I United States government and all its federal agencies has a fiduciary relationship to <br /> federally recognized Indian Tribes, and <br /> I WHEREAS. the Prairie Island Indian Community Council is a direct benefiCiary of the <br /> Trust relationShip which exiSts between the United Slates federal government and <br /> federally recognized Indian Tribes as evidenced by the 'Indian Self-Determination. <br /> I education and Assistance Act" P.L. 93.638. in which the United Stales Congress <br /> I~ 1158 ISland Blvd. Welch, MN 55089 <br /> (612) 385.2554 . 1-800.554.5473 · Fax (612) 388-1576 <br /> I <br />