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<br /> 612 370 1378 P.08/11 <br /> HUG-01-1995 16:50 BRtd <br /> 1.) InereaM lll/'ld a.. 0' Camm...nily (gr "'rlbal MemDer Residences <br /> . The land CUa of ~ Co..,munily as noted is mostly on 8 fIooCIplain and limited in Size. There is <br /> a waiting list of about 80 famities who wauId like move 10 the Community if there were land <br /> available. These members desire to be Closer \0 family, their Ileritage and cultura end be a part <br /> of a community. F urthar, helf of the lI/Vl;)lIed members are la'lder 18 and most likely will .~ i" <br /> the Communily or eventually come b8c:k to the Community after a period of lime away. <br /> The COtTlmunity is develOPing a home mortgage pro;rem to "Siat memller.s to ClI:IIai" afford'aIlle <br /> nousing. The Arden Hjl~ Site will ptOYide an OIlPOrlunity to c:rqle another community with <br /> atfOrdaCle, safe housing for tribal memllers. . <br /> 2.) Health C~ <br /> Resillent tribal membets and non-resident tribal members considering relUrnIIIg to tne <br /> COmmunity neve concerns aboUl lI'le health of thafr families living so c1ClSa to a nudear power . <br /> generating plunt und hiliI'! VOllu;e I>>NW lI"e.. Since this is the only community in !he United <br /> Statas 1000ted 80 close to . nudell, power ~ratlng plant (residences within 3 blocks). tile <br /> slt.ldlee are nol deflllitlve 0" the effec:ts of SUCh close proximity to lIuman bei"gs over lime. The <br /> studies on living ClOse to IIlgII voltage power Iinas ara, also. not definitive. <br /> Further. !he publiC who come 10 ll8Ine elthe tribal business ent8tprise !lave ~ about the <br /> Safety of being so close to a nuclellT power generaling plam aflll high voIlage po_r lines. <br /> 3.) Safely Concerns <br /> The residant tribal members an<l l1'Ie pul)/ic who come to the tribal Qaming ocarations hllVll <br /> concerns that <br /> . a. the road access on and off Pralrla Island is limited; ancI this COIlIcI cause serious <br /> crob/ems If thera were II disaster, whether natural or man-made; <br /> b. an incident 8t1he nuclear power generating plant WI1ether miner or major. mey cause <br /> - Physical injury or damage 10 people and !he environment <br /> c. a railroad acciclenl COuld be harmful to lIoIh people, Patrons Of the tribal Ilu&iness <br /> - enterprise, and tile environment; <br /> d. a barge aCCident COUld be harmful \0 the same plllties: <br /> I e. due 10 the limited land base on the Island end limited enlranc:ellexits on ,he ieland <br /> incidents of civil disobedience may cauae MIsty risks to tribal member resldent1 aM PIlTOM of <br /> tribal ~U$jna" enterprises. <br /> I 4.) Oev1looing the Tribe', Economic PotentJa, <br /> The tribe seas \he value of diyersifieation of II's busiTle$S enlerprises. However, il also finds <br /> I limitetionsto development. This Is due to the limited lan<l ~8Se of the COmmunity end lhe Im~ct <br /> of any development on the environment of this island, Further, the lack of intere81 of business 10 <br /> locate neJl\ to a nuclear power gena rating plant on an island in the MiSSissippi River. <br /> I The use of the Arden Hilfs site _uld proVide an ere. to 1I1trac1 encf develop other businesses. <br /> Hig,.. Slakes gaming may net be around for a very long timo. so the tribe is ~ous to find other <br /> ways to generate revanuas to care for their ~ and plan fur future generations 8OCOrding <br /> I to the Dakota culture. A second gaming enterprise on the Arden Hills site may assist in <br /> generating income 10 develop jnfrast~e and 089in purswl'Ig other tlCOIlOmic aev.locment <br /> OPportunities. <br /> I . <br /> 3 <br /> I <br /> I <br />