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<br /> 612 370 1378 P.09/11 <br /> HUG-01-1995 16:50 BRI.I <br /> . <br /> In ;t's CUrTent 10C8~on, lhe CommunitY lias shOwn in SUrrounding ClOmmunitites it', abJlity to <br /> . c:reate jobs, generate the need for housing, "Me. and to PBY taxas as Pllrt of the develOpment <br /> 01' Il'le gaming operations. This is an _mpM of the impacl any tribal bu.ir1e$s enterprise ear. <br /> nave on lhe SWTllUnding ccmmunitie, 01' an Indian rn8nllllioNcommunily. The cellno and bingo <br /> opel'llllon nas reduced unemployment and ...'fare rolls in the SUI1'Ounding area. <br /> The desir, of the Community is to continue to provide for Ita ~ enrolled membenl, reduc:e <br /> depende~ on federal and state programs. and to tie good neighbcra to the surraund/ng <br /> townships, munidpalilies and counties. The Community has a tribel court with civil jurlSdicllon. <br /> The Community desires to c:ontinue to protect II's SO-.lon s1alus and developing ira ec:onon ,ic <br /> potential Is a means to lt1is end. <br /> 5.) Protection of Tribal Asset. <br /> The Cgmmunity has concerns Il'lat any of the following incidents may cause patrCll'la of it's trillal <br /> business enterprise to leave or slay away <br /> a. l10cxfing 01' !he roads and casino parking lot areas; <br /> 1>. any incidenl 8t the nuclear power generating plant; <br /> e. lt1e PrGlllmity to the nigh voltage power lines: <br /> d. bridge or road repair. to ."y of 1he tlriclges providing access to the Community. <br /> ShOl,/Id any of these events occur, it is ~ncertain how long it WllU/d take for the businellS to <br /> recover, if at all. <br /> The ~ Hills site would prOVide an opportunity to the COmmunity to elleviate the pre~ of <br /> these concerns. <br /> S.) Proted/on of !he NaIurII Retouroes and Bllriaf MeunclS on Prairie Island <br /> . The ecosystem of Prairie ISland is of concern to tha Communily. It is an island with potential <br /> thfelts to the wildlife. water and land resources from external forces, e.g. any ~ tne safety <br /> Issue. mentioned previgUSly impacts the resources of the island. Ttle Intel'n8l forces COUld also <br /> tlV8aten the ecosystem e.g, development of industry, increased lrafl'ic beyond CUrNrlt numtler.. <br /> It .is 8 goal to maintain the environment on tne island and protect it ~ of \he wildlife, <br /> medicine plants al'ld the burial mounds loceted hont. The Araen HillS sile WllUId provide the <br /> needed space for economic devalopmant and I'louainll, It would alleviate ttle pressure on the <br /> island ecosystem. <br /> - <br /> - PROPOSED USAGE OF FACILmES AND LAND: <br /> J We undersland the Arden Hills site is subject to and UllderQoing significant nazel!lous waste <br /> Clean-up. We, also, understand that approximately 2. _ ....... been cleaned-llP 1lI this point <br /> Further, - Wlderstand that clesrH.lp on the remaining 2,000.. ecres COUld like a decade or <br /> I more. As NOltive Amerit;8n people, we plan for the generations who come after us. Development <br /> of the sit. by the Community WOUld lie plal'Ylll4 in phases I'l!Cllgrllzing tho taclor$ etJeCling any <br /> use of the are.. ThIs document is only a general COnl:8pl, at this lime, for the sile, As apecifjc <br /> parcels are released as surplus by lhe DePBrtlllent of the Amly, the Community will provide <br /> I spscjfic plan.. for individual parcels. <br /> We recognize that their are nlltura. open areas, SUCh as 'tOet/anas lIl'ld r....latlll8tled prairie <br /> I grass areas. FUl'lher,..... not. thaI there are endangered $!ledes of animals on the site. The <br /> Community is very conscious of eccsystems and plan 10 be good Ilewsrl:ls of such resources. <br /> I . <br /> 4 <br /> I <br /> I <br />