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<br /> n_ _ n__________ <br /> , <br /> Honorable Mayor and City Council <br /> October 5, 1995 . <br /> Page Two <br /> In any case, the improved presentations at these hearings would provide residents with <br /> accurate information regarding their specific streets, as well as, the methodology used to <br /> prioritize their street. The new process would involve the following steps: <br /> . Review latest Pavement Management Report and select streets to be <br /> addressed. <br /> . Periodically publish street ratings and long-term improvement plans. <br /> . Also select second priority streets for maintenance/reconstruction. <br /> . Prepare preliminary report outlining street conditions, the City's PMS <br /> program, and estimated costs associated with vanous means of <br /> rehabilitation. <br /> . Prepare more "resident-friendly" and more informative multi-media hearing <br /> presentations with diagrams and slide presentations. - <br /> . Hold informational meeting with residents of first priority streets. <br /> . Digest input from informational meeting and evaluate the need to add any - <br /> second priority streets to the list. - <br /> . If necessary, hold a second priority informational meeting to gather further <br /> input on secondary streets being considered for inclusion in the street ~ <br /> improvement project. - <br /> . Maintain an "input/action log" to track all input and allow the engineer and .- <br /> staff to respond to all concerns presented at these meetings. <br /> . Compile and reduce this information for the public hearing. - <br /> Prepare a more dynamic, multi-media presentation to achieve better resident , <br /> . <br /> understanding of the projects and a more informative public hearing <br /> presentation. I <br /> Following the informational meetings, staff would bring the list of streets to be improved <br /> for the respective year to the City Council at a formal public hearing. At this point, staff I <br /> would have accumulated specific information from residents at informational meetings to <br /> present to the Council. In addition, the engineer and staff would have had the opportunity <br /> to address many public questions, concerns, and other issues with residents prior to the I <br /> hearing in an effort to streamline the public improvement process. As an additional <br /> improvement, staff anticipates a revised cover letter to accompany any official notices, so I <br /> residents will find these mailings more understandable. <br /> Plan Preparation and Resident Input I <br /> Following the authorization of plans and specifications, MSA would initiate the distribution <br /> of the project "newsletters", which you may be familiar with. The initial publication would I <br /> serve the purposes of both soliciting input and informing residents that the engineer would <br /> be conducting on-site "project walk-thru's" to gather further information. The purpose of .. <br /> these steps in the process is to ensure that the final plans accurately reflect not only the <br /> needs of the City, but the desires of residents as well. This portion of the project would <br /> include: <br /> 520!065'{)21O,oct I <br />