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<br />, <br />, . ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - OCTOBER 30. 1995 5 <br />, - <br /> Pay Estimate #2.1995 Street Improvements <br />I City Engineer Stonehouse indicated based upon the work completed to date, the total amount of <br /> pay estimate number two is $139,166.56. Ofthis amount, $13,916.66 will be retained from the <br />, partial payment. <br /> Mr. Stonehouse indicated if this pay estimate meets the Council's approval, it would be <br />, appropriate to make payment to Valley Paving, Inc. in amount of$125,249.90. <br /> MOTION: Malone moved and Keirn seconded the motion to approve Pay Estimate Number <br />I Two (2) to Valley Paving, Inc. in the amount of$125,249.90. The motion carried <br /> unanimously (4-0). <br />I Mayor Probst indicated he was pleased with the project, with some final restoration still to be <br /> accomplished. <br />I Pav Estimate #2. Perry Park Improvements <br />,- City Engineer Stonehouse indicated based upon the work completed to date, the total amount of <br /> pay estimate number two is $84,999.05. Of this amount, $8,499.91 will be retained from the <br /> partial payment. He noted this pay estimate includes turf establishment and the installation of <br />I the irrigation system, among other miscellaneous construction items. <br /> Mr. Stonehouse indicated if this pay estimate meets with the Council's approval, it would be <br />I appropriate to make payment to Veit, Inc. in the amount of$76,499.14. <br /> Mayor Probst inquired how much work was left to be done. Mr. Stonehouse indicated the <br />, project is approximately 90% done, with some minor punch list items left and minor paving <br /> which will be done in the spring. <br />I Mayor Probst inquired about barricades in regard to vandalism. Ms. Walsh indicated City <br /> employees continue to put up additional barricades as needed. She noted the damages from the <br /> vandalism have been repaired. <br />I MOTION: Keirn moved and Aplikowski seconded a motion to approve Pay Estimate <br />I Number Two (2) in the amount of$76,499.14 to Veit, Inc. The motion carried <br /> unanimously (4-0). <br />, <br />,. <br />, <br />