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NOTE 4 - CAPITAL ASSETS <br />Capital asset activity for the year ended December 31, 2023 was as follows: <br />A. Governmental Activities <br />Beginning Completed Ending <br />Balance Increases Decreases Construction Balance <br />Primary government <br />Governmental activities <br />Capital assets, not being depreciated <br />Land $ 2,669,467 $ - $ - $ - $ 2,669,467 <br />Construction in progress 2,090,423 735,865 - (1,201,796) 1,624,492 <br />Total capital assets, not being depreciated 4,759,890 735,865 - (1,201,796) 4,293,959 <br />Capital assets, being depreciated <br />Buildings and structures <br />Infrastructure and improvements <br />Machinery and equipment <br />Office furniture and equipment <br />Vehicles <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated <br />Less accumulated depreciation for <br />Buildings and structures <br />Infrastructure and improvements <br />Machinery and equipment <br />Office furniture and equipment <br />Vehicles <br />Total accumulated depreciation <br />Total capital assets being depreciated - net <br />Governmental activities capital assets - net <br />B. Business -Type Activities <br />7,583,468 <br />- - - 7,583,468 <br />24,492,134 <br />- - 1,201,796 25,693,930 <br />1,017,462 <br />63,621 - - 1,081,083 <br />153,553 <br />- - - 153,553 <br />2,272,053 <br />128,425 (39,572) - 2,360,906 <br />35,518,670 <br />192,046 (39,572) 1,201,796 36,872,940 <br />4,019,458 <br />236,964 <br />- - <br />4,256,422 <br />5,794,726 <br />581,192 <br />- - <br />6,375,918 <br />718,200 <br />43,867 <br />- - <br />762,067 <br />144,696 <br />4,948 <br />- - <br />149,644 <br />1,201,110 <br />178,498 <br />(31,658) - <br />1,347,950 <br />11,878,190 <br />1,045,469 <br />(31,658) - <br />12,892,001 <br />23,640,480 <br />(853,423) <br />(7,914) 1,201,796 <br />23,980,939 <br />$ 28,400,370 <br />$ (117,558) <br />$ (7,914) $ - <br />$ 28,274,898 <br />Beginning Completed Ending <br />Balance Increases Decreases Construction Balance <br />Primary government <br />Business -type activities <br />Capital assets, not being depreciated <br />Construction in progress $ 735,625 $ 447,525 $ - $ (568,474) $ 614,676 <br />Capital assets, being depreciated <br />Buildings and structures 835,040 - - - 835,040 <br />Distribution and collection systems 30,279,659 - - 568,474 30,848,133 <br />Machinery and equipment 639,062 - - - 639,062 <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated 31,753,761 - - 568,474 32,322,235 <br />Less accumulated depreciation for <br />Buildings and structures <br />Distribution and collection systems <br />Machinery and equipment <br />Total accumulated depreciation <br />Total capital assets, being depreciated - net <br />Business -type activities capital assets - net <br />337,980 <br />41,543 <br />- - 379,523 <br />10,948,182 <br />695,433 <br />- - 11,643,615 <br />362,658 <br />24,670 <br />- - 387,328 <br />11,648,820 <br />761,646 <br />- - 12,410,466 <br />20,104,941 <br />(761,646) <br />- 568,474 19,911,769 <br />$ 20,840,566 <br />$ (314,121) $ <br />- $ - $ 20,526,445 <br />-34- <br />