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May 23, 2024 <br />Z <br />4. Zoning Text Amendment <br />School and religious uses are not permitted or conditional in the 1-1. From a market perspective, <br />more schools and religious uses are turning to industrial sites to meet their needs. Examples <br />include the New Century School in Bloomington and Living Word Church in St. Paul and <br />Bloomington where these uses have revitalized aging industrial centers. The City should <br />consider amending its zoning ordinance to accommodate these uses for the following reasons: <br />a. Meet Community Needs: Certain industrial districts of the City may be underutilized - <br />most significantly those office/industrial centers where leasing footprints continue to <br />shrink with more employees working from home. Allowing religious uses and schools <br />in industrial districts encourages mixed -use development and can optimize land use <br />and value. <br />b. Transportation and Accessibility: Industrial districts often have good transportation <br />infrastructure, making them accessible locations for churches and schools while <br />limiting traffic impacts on residential roadways. <br />c. Support of Institutional Uses: Enabling worship centers and schools to establish <br />themselves in industrial districts demonstrates support for these institutions. It <br />recognizes their role as community anchors and acknowledges the value they bring to <br />the social fabric of the city. <br />