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May 23, 2024 <br />Pate 6 <br />At the same time, the School recognizes the value of light industrial uses within the City and <br />that retaining such uses is essential for continued growth and economic development. To <br />that end, we propose working closely with staff to develop performance standards that <br />ensure that limited industrial properties are protected and that schools and associated uses <br />would only be permitted in the event of strict compliance with the standards. These <br />standards would be incorporated within the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process. Subject <br />to Council's guidance and direction, additional performance standards might include: 1) <br />proximity or adjacency to residential areas, 2) limited or no truck traffic through shared drive - <br />aisles, 3) traffic management plans for worship services, 4) implementation of sustainability <br />metrics, and 5) development of and access to recreational space within the subject property. <br />5. Conditional Use Permit <br />Schools and religious uses currently are allowed within the City's residential districts subject to a <br />CUP. While the School's formal application will fully describe and support how the Project will <br />function with limited negative impacts to the surrounding property owners and detail how shared <br />spaces within the MPUD would function with the School in place, a preliminary review of the site <br />conditions reflects that use of the Property for a school and associated religious purpose meets <br />the standards outline in the City Code. <br />a. Traffic Standards: The proposed use is not expected to significantly exacerbate <br />existing traffic congestion or parking shortages in the area. Adequate parking facilities <br />are planned, and traffic flow assessments indicate manageable impacts on the <br />surrounding road network. <br />b. Noise, Glare, Odors, Vibration, Smoke, Dust, Air Pollution, Heat, Liquid or Solid <br />Waste and other Nuisance Characteristics: The School simply will not produce these <br />impacts. Noise and any nuisance conditions relative to the two non -school buildings can <br />be managed prior to formal approvals and in conjunction with public outreach to the <br />existing tenants and building management. <br />c. Drainage: no exterior site changes are proposed by the School. The existing MPUD <br />provides for effective drainage systems on the Property. <br />d. Population Density: approval of the proposed uses will likely result in new families <br />moving into or closer to the City. However, approval of the proposed uses will not lead <br />to a significant increase in population density that would strain existing infrastructure or <br />services. <br />e. Visual and Land Use Compatibility: No exterior changes are proposed by this Project. <br />The constructive reuse of the buildings will retain consistency with the existing uses <br />within the Center and compliment the surrounding residential neighborhoods. <br />f. Adjoining Land Values: the purchase of the building, full tenancy by the School and <br />active use of the Property is anticipated to have a positive effect on adjoining land <br />values. <br />g. Orderly Development and Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan: The <br />proposed uses align with the general purpose and intent of the Comprehensive Plan for <br />the City, contributing to the orderly development of the City. Appropriate performance <br />