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<br />18 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />'!hen McClung moTBd and Kaok seconded a motion that the revised plat ot the <br />said prOposed addition be tentatively approvecl. insofar as the general plat <br />plan is concerned. subject to application beil1€ made within two _eke for re- <br />zoniIlg of the prepert;y to Class "A" :Residential; in connection with the re- <br />zoning Mr. Carle;y requ.eeted that the petition from adjoining propert;y ownere <br />be waived and 'that the council rely on a published notice ot the hearing On <br />the re-zoning; motion oarried. <br /> <br />Proposed Re-Arrangement ot Blockl!, ArdenHi.1lsl!l'o. ,: :r.rr. Car- <br />le;y then showed the council a traciIlg ot a proposed re-arraIlgement of: Block <br />11, Arden Hille No. " lIa;y 1951, whioh will re-al1gn the borderline lots so <br />as to be entirely within the limits of the Village of Arden Hills; at the <br />present time some lots extend into the Village of :Rossville. !his was only <br />a preTiew and required no action by the council. <br /> <br />l/lr. Doll&ld D. Kingsley, an engineer representing Jialph D. !homas <br />and A88ooiatee, Inc., of MiDIlBapolis, appeared in response to an invitation <br />following their letter, and said he had listened to the disl:Ussion on the <br />Zilliox addition, and in the course of his talk to the cOlUlCil recormnended <br />the adoption 01' a planning commission ordinance; he aleo stated 'that dead-end <br />roads have been a souroe 01' trouble to every comrmmit;y, and recommended the <br />alternative of a tu.rn-about; he aleo stated that it was thair experience that <br />the State High'llaJl' Depar tmant was intlexi ble in allowing aocess to highwa;ys <br />a,t paints other than those shown on blueprints; that it is difficult to cha1l![e <br />metes-end-bounds descriptions to lot-end-block descriptions after platting; <br />that the village governing bod;y has the fiJl&l say-so on the acceptance of a <br />plat; he recommended the following: (1) Planning Commission ordinance; (2) <br />building inspector, (,I zoniJlg ordinance, (4) building code, and (5) a proposal <br />to accompaDJ' proposed plats setting out requirements tor the conditioning ot <br />streets, etc. tor final approval b;y the c-ouncil. <br /> <br />Public Yorks CoDunitteel Chairman DelAnge reported as follows: <br />(a) He ordered a culvert 16" x 28' put in tor )(r. DeGidio on View.A.vellnS. <br />'!he question ot .hether the village or property owner pays for the same is <br />awaiting the reoommendation of his eommittee. <br /> <br />(b I !he clerk handed DeLange the County Suneyor 'e last billing <br />in the amount 01' $328." tor road work, of which some items, according to <br />DeLange, are pa;yable 'by the township. <br /> <br />(c I Chairman DeLange also reported that he is calling a lII8eting <br />of his committee at which the SUbject of dusty roads treatment will be given <br />oonsideration. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Public Weltare COrllJllfttee: Chairman McClung reported that an <br />ordiname cove:rWig clumping .ill be drawn and submi tted. in .hichcolUlllction <br />the clerk will furnish him wi th a cop;y of an ordinance in torce in a lIe1ghbor <br />Tillage. <br />