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<br />19 <br /> <br />lleporb of'Officlalsl !!he clerk reported that Ordinance NO.2, <br />adopting state Highway 'l'raffioAot, was published J!'/l.y 3, lj/5l in the Rose <br />'!l'ibune and is now in foroe. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Doepller moved and DeLange seconded a motion that the appointment <br />of "hin Hurlbert as building ill.8pector be contil1l1e4 indefinitely subjeot to <br />revooation at the w11l of the c_l1, and to ratify all permits issued since <br />April 15th. the expiration of the last utension of his appointment; carded. <br /> <br />Seoond reading of ordiuancesl !he clerk read -An Ordinance Estall- <br />l1shiRg a tollllll1ssion to Plan for the Ph;vsical Development of the Village of <br />Arden Hills, MiIlnesota, etc." introduced at the prsvious meeting. Ihereupon <br />disoussion centered on the effect of the proposed ordinance on metes-ani- <br />bounds desoriptions lees than 2i--acree and 150' wide, and the constitutionality <br />of projecting streets and reserved areas for public use for a diotance of <br />two miles beyOnd present village 11mi te ao authorized by the .ta tu tes. Ho.... <br />ever, becmse of the lateness of the hour (about 1114.5 P.M.) JIlC1ung inquired <br />it fUrther disllUseion on the ordinaJllle oould be contil1l1ei to a later meeting; <br />thereupon a motion by Jl'ayor Cummings, which _s 8eco d, to adjourn to 7 P.M. on <br />Monday, J!'/l.y 21st, 1951 was carried. <br /> <br />'-7 <br /> <br /> <br />15th. <br /> <br />](eeting adjourned about 12t15 A.M., <br /> <br />APPROVED <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />,'"--' <br /> <br />, ~ ..: ~ ~, 1~ <br /> <br />I --. .,0.<:'--jf7'i..;-YL/<-:') <br />~ ~- . ~ <br />'- <br />1tayo I' <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />