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<br />24 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />list of "Emergency Calls .- <br /> <br />!he clerk W&e authorized to write a letter to the Plat Commission <br />of ll.amsey County advising it of the tentative approval of the plat of the <br />20111io% Addi tion, April 1951. <br /> <br />'file clerk was also authorized to write Claude H. Allen in reply to <br />his Js tter. of MaJ' 15th, which was rea4 at the previous m.eetiDg, that nothing <br />Clan be done about the liquor Itore site at this time. Jr:r. Allen represents <br />Jr:r. Michael ll. DeGidio, the property being at Highwe,yl 8 '" 10. <br />!he clerk read a letter dated May 25 from. the Plat Commission of <br />llamsey County submi ttiDg photostat oOPY of preliminary plat of .Proposed <br />Rearrangement of Block 11, Arden Hills NO.3, Tillage of Arden Rills, 1Iay, <br />1951.- '!he clerk was directed tll ascertain from Engineer Carley, who made <br />the p;, whether the solid or dotted lines identif1 ell. the rearrangement. <br /> <br />Clerk Doepner red. a letter dated l!:q 5 from the clerk of Mcw:Ids View <br />~wnship regarding the cleaning of th!_l!eeting hall after 0111' meetings; 'frus- <br />tee McClung said he would have his bone-ire cf it, and the clerk sai4 he will <br />furnish J&cCIUJIg with a duplicate key to the l' the purpose. <br /> <br />'-/ <br /> <br /> <br />Cummings IIIOved to adjourn to the next re ar meeting in June, <br />Which was seconded and carried, about 11:1 P.M. <br /> <br /> <br />, <br />1 <br /> <br />. <br />