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<br />23 <br /> <br />lio. <br /> <br />In favor 0 f <br /> <br />For <br /> <br />.Amt. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />17 <br />18 <br />19 <br />to <br />21 <br />22 <br />23 <br /> <br />Sperry Office :rurn. 00. - 2 d:r. file cI: casters <br />5t. Paul Stamp ,Works 2 cap badgu for constablu <br />'Fh6 Rose Tribune Publ1&hing Ordinances 1 d: 2 <br />)(Shin Hurlbert - 'JOj. of ](aroh permi t fees, fl., 2, 3, <br />)(Slvin Hurlbert - 'JOt. of April permits fees 14, .5. 6 <br />'!he'lllite Bear Press 1000 bldg permit cal,'ds <br />lIsthe,r Smith Eleotion judge 3/9/.51 <br />!Iotal . . . . . . . . <br /> <br />.5.5.00 <br />13.00 <br /> <br />48.60 <br />28.3.5 <br />10.42 <br />6.00 <br />~96.9B <br /> <br />~ clerk reported. $1401.71 plus $8.5..50 ](ar. d: April building permi t . <br />fees. or . to1;al of $1487.21, repor1;ed. to him as paid intt;l the village <br />treallllU'Y as of this meeting. <br /> <br />George 'lUroot, who O1Ine about 6 acres on Highway 8, appeared before <br />the cOllIlCil in COmpalV with one Loring Bro1lll. to wholl\ he gave an earnest money <br />contract for the purchase of a half-acre, abOllt 100' f'rontage, north of the <br />qllonset hut; lIr. Br01ll1 ....nted permission to move his trailer hOllse on the lot <br />for use while building his proposed new d1lll11ing; beCause it appeared doubtfUl <br />that he cOllld finish the house the council took no action and Bro1lll. withdrew <br />his request. <br /> <br />'!he Clerk reported that Dr. O. B. Gochnauer of the Livestock <br />Sanituy Board. 310 Globe Building, St. Paul, phoned him that morning that <br />there is a oase of rabies at the edge of the village, on which he is required <br />to serve papers Taesday on the clerk; he saida health of ticer, who is an M.D., <br />ShOllld be appointed by the village cOllllcil; thereupon lloepner mond and McClung <br />seconded a motion to authorize lIfayor Cummings to appoint a Health Otficer in <br />his 01lll. discrstion; carried. <br /> <br />Cummings moved and Dospner seoonded a motion to authorize JUstice of <br />the Peace Gra:ffb.nder to buJ' neoessary filler sheets for his criminal docket, <br />which 11&8 carr1&d. (In this connection he stated he has thus far bought and <br />paid for $12.00 worth out of his own pocket.) <br /> <br />tonetable Winkel appeared before the cOIUlCil and SIlbmitted the matter <br />of arming both constablee, which was discussed at some length by ths, <br />but no action taken thereon. <br /> <br />Constable Winkel then made a request that both cOIllltableist oars be <br />eqllippsd with eirens by the village; Cummings moved and ~LaDge Beconded a <br />moticn to refer the sue to the Public Safety Commi Uee for stull1", quotation <br />of cost, and report at the nu:t meeting; carried. <br /> <br />. '!he clerk calle4 attention to his letter of April 25 to the North- <br />western Bell !8lephone Co. aboat having the village's fire, police and clerk's <br />phone calls listed under "Emergency Calls" on the flyleaf of the telephone <br />directory; eecause said page is printed trom a plate, which at that time was <br />ready for printing of the June, 19.51 directory, it was necessary to arrange <br />for a listing of said calls in the alphabetical sBotion of the direotory, <br />under "ARDEN HILU3, Village of" g1 ving the calls of the two fire departments <br />and two oonst,,,-blee withOllt their DlI.JIlU, and the clerk's with name, for which <br />a charge of 25~ per month plus tu wou.ld be added to the respective phone <br />1'IWIIbers 1Ultil a new dir 80 tory is pUblished, after which they will be inc luded <br /> <br />in the <br />