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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />33 <br /> <br />the ms.yor directed the clerk to acknowledge receipt and advise them that we <br />would arraDgEl for a meeting sometime after September. <br /> <br />CIVIL DEFENSE: Commander Hunt reported that en.oueP- people are lined <br />up in case of . Ilecessi 1;y, that the work is getting organized, hard to maintain <br />interest because of talk: of peace, and vacations, a skeld;on force is organized, <br />and that organizing will be pushed after September 1st; Mayor Cummings read a <br />letter from Sheriff Gibbons; ColllllllUl6r Hunt will SQbmit a list of civil defense <br />officere to the clerk for village identification cards; ba is especially anxious <br />to have a geol womn for Red Cross work. He also reported that Father lIilCarthy <br />offered the Village the facilities of Nazarsth Hall in case of emergency. <br />FIRE PROT.EX::'fION: Mack: reported on meetings with Spring Lake Park and <br />Li tUe Canada Fire Departments, and wi th tile Ros eville Village Council; :Rose- <br />ville wants $50.00 per month standby oharge to cover estimated depreciation of <br />lqa.ipment and overhead, plus $2.00 per man-holll' or any fraction from barn to <br />rewn thereto. pm gas and oil, and share of cost of hose breakages, etc. <br />attendiDg firee in Arden Hills, and subject to ite rate classification not being <br />attected adversely; only a limited part of ite eCJ!1ipment 1IIl1uld be used. Little <br />Canada wants $100.00 first hOlll', $50 .00 sec ond hour, and $25.00 third hOlll'; thq <br />will hold a meetiDg Sept. 10 and IlI4bmit definite proposal.. Jrack intends to call <br />a meeting of 1he l'Il.blic Safety Committee to coxsider fire protection contracts <br />as a preliminary bu.dget approval. <br /> <br />Mayor Cummings reported the State Highway Department offioials have <br />recei ved many phone Illld letter complaints Ilbout the handling of traffic viols.- <br />tions in Arden Hills; he scheduled a meeting of the council, justices of the peace, <br />constab1ee and Vic Weber with Slch officials on '.l', September 4. at 8 P .:M. <br />in the Town Hall.. the clerk to send out notices. <br /> <br />PUBLIC.1ORKS: Chair!Illll:t DeLange reported on road lIIl.tters including <br />the 1'Oat at Hunt IS place; his. commi the will investigate. <br /> <br />APPORTIOlilMlmT OF '!OWN lUIllDS: ~or Cummings directed the Village <br />Attorney tel write the Attorney General for an opinion thereon. <br /> <br />Pl1l!LIC lIELFARE: Chairman J(cC1UDg had no report, bl1t Mack reported that <br />Mr. SChifsk;y, the owner of the Mounds View ohmp site, will ask Arden Hills $50 <br />per ammm rent. <br />~ <br />r-- - <br />The adjourned at 1111.5 P.M. by mbt~onlf Clung seconded by <br /> <br />'" <br />'.. --I ~P-z..-L- - A <br /> <br />Jrack . <br /> <br /> <br />k <br /> <br />Approved: <br /> <br />. -~'. <br /> <br />, ~i, ,'[[Iv r <br />lea: 'Y- <br /> <br />o ':~;??/;nAAtC <br />, I <br />