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<br />3.5 <br /> <br />aslted him to furnish the council with a breakdown of the oost of a basement home, <br />speoifically the cost necessary to fit a basement for occupancy for dwelliIlg <br />purposes. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />PUBLIC \IORKS COMl4I!I!'l!I!lI!l: Chairman Delange read a report of his committee, <br />of which a copy will ,be ~ished the clerk for his fils. <br /> <br />Cwnmings moved and MCClung seoonded a motion to mthorize the said chair- <br />man to order the following work done On village streets: <br />(a) 'J!l.e single item mentioned in the County SUrveyor's letter of Sept. 12. <br />(b) !he first item of his letter of Sept. 19th for $175.00 on Glenarden <br />Road at the north side of Skiles Lane, and the second item of $2.50.00 <br />of the same le tter for work on Forest lane at langels Residence. <br />'l!he third item of said le tter~ i.e. for $250 .00 for work On Valen1;ine <br />1.venue, County :Boad "F- to apprOXimately 500 teet northeast, to be <br />held for ]a ter action., <br /> <br />:BUDGET AND 'fAX. LEVY: The clerk read a tentative draft of the 19.52 budget <br />prepared by hir!lc for the purpose of determiniIlg the 19.5:1. tax levy, colleotible <br />in 19.52. It waa tentatively agreed that it not B.1toeed 12..50 mills, the olerk to <br />verify the mill rate on personal property with the county mditor's office SO as <br />to be certain that the said rate on real property will not exoeed the 1950 levy <br />of 12.63 mills made by the township. ('!he olerk rEPorted that :Mr. S~ar of the <br />County Auditor's oftice twice told him the ra'lie on perSOnAl and real property <br />1IOUl d be the same.) <br /> <br />.JUstice of the Peace Gl:'af1'l1nder reported on the meeting of cOUJ'lCil members <br />and village ofi'icers with !lessrs. llar:rell and IArrimer of the State Highw83 <br />Department as follows: !!hat they found that we are not cloing eIlOUgb entoroing of <br />traffic laws, that we should do a lot more, that as soon as possible we put the <br />conetables on salary in village squad cars (owned or leased by the village), that <br />the sirens were not loud enough, and that the lied. lights on constables' oars were <br />illegal. <br /> <br />Jl.\Iyor OummiIlgll to ld Gra:f':01nder to tell Mack to oall a meeti ng of the <br />Public Safety Committee. <br /> <br />PUBLIC WeRKS COMMIT'I!I!llh Delange requested an O.K. for the oounty SlU'YS,.. <br />or's office to blade all Tillage streets before the freeze-up; by motion of <br />Doepner seoonded by MCClung the said work was ordered done. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />VILLAGE :BOUNDARY SIGl'lS: '.!he olerk reported that he arranged by phone <br />with :Mr. Klatt of the State Highw~ Department, to ereot Tillage boundary signs <br />at each eni of !Hs 8, 10, 51 and 96, without ooe1; to the village as provided by <br />law. !he clerk is to contact him about getting four more signs for the village <br />at ooat for erection at Co. Rd. J d: Lexington, Co. Rd. F 8: Bamline, Johanna Blvd. <br />8: ". village line, and Bamline A. ve, at :Mrs. Perkin" p <br /> <br />Because the tax levy has to be certi fied to th County udi tor 'S office <br />by Ootober lOth, by motion the meeting was adjourned 0 '!iles ay, October 2nd, <br />19.51, at 8 olclock P.M. in the tom hall, n~Oti~__to iled. <br /> <br /> <br />':'----/ b~hL=-/ <br /> <br />// C e <br />" , / <br />~/. / <br /> <br />i< C(t'7'- Y;>P"~~7(-~,' <br /> <br /> <br />:,-",-~ /-' <br /> <br />APPllO VED: <br />