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<br />lj.6 <br /> <br />MIlllT'::'ES OF mE FIItST ( MEETInG OF 'ill]) COml:IL OF CoIRE <br />VILUGE OF .!l.PJ)EH HILLS, i.::INEESOTil. <br />He Id at the Town Hall, "ll6W1esdSJl;, .Jamary 2nd, 19.52 <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />(;rOTE: Of'ficers elected at the December, 19.51 election were sworn <br />in by the Clerk as f'ollows: Walter T. Mack, as trustee, on December 29th, 19.51, <br />Frank 1:. Schmitt, as justice of' the peace, a:J.d Walter Qurnmings, as mayor, bef'ore <br />the council meeting, and. Worth G. Read, as treasurer, and Herbert Winkel, as <br />constable, during me council meeting.] <br /> <br />1be meeti!Jg was called to or del' promptly at 8 0 'olock <br />Cumr.cings . <br /> <br />"D 7~ <br />.. .~'... <br /> <br />by 1rayor <br /> <br />.il.ll councilmen present at the roll call. <br /> <br />'l'ne mimtes of' t.1e December 6th meeting were ap9rcved as read by the Clerk. <br /> <br />LIC::~H3ES~ The Clerk read a lEtter from Don E. Gribcle, d.b.a.;iDor...'s <br />Corner," referrinG to the $30.00 jue::s bex.lieense fee as "ir..eQuitable." fu meet <br />the si tu&tion the Clerk off'ered t;16 follcWil1{; motien: "T'uat the juke box license <br />fee fel' )lac<:s v.:ithou.t dancing be reduced to $lj.CJ fer -th€ ;/' &r 17.52, and \vith <br />dancing te ru,~in a". $30.00;" there no second. 1ben Cu.mtlings moved and Lac;r <br />S€ciJ1.";.c..ed a j;lctio:-~ -that t~1€ Clerk wri te Don E. Gribble that Y.'€; ca.'1L:.Ot L8.~.~C aj,~i" eX- <br />ceptiol:" CHI ju~<;:e ovx ~ic(ns€ fees, which v~a8 carl'ieo.. <br /> <br />The cC1~.ncil vcted tc iSSI.le tIl€ followi:.1.i.:: licellses for the calendar <br />year 1752: <br /> <br />DonE. Gribble, 6..b.a. ttDon'G Corner," at 3615 North 5uellil1,; <br />Irlalt "on sale," F.,alt 'off sale," cigarette, retail soft drinks, <br />pin b,,11, juke. box; <br />Donsld A.. Stecl.:er, d.b.a. ItWafgon Vw'heel Inn, tI at 3614 ~Jorth Snellir...g ....verrue; <br />l>lalt "on sale,' fJalt "off sale," ci,;"rette, retail soft drinks, <br />pin b"ll, juke box, and restaur"nt (cafe/caf'e tel' ia.) <br />Sam Ciresi, d.b.a. "Hillside T'avern," at HiGhway 1'0. 10, 1/2 mile north <br />of Hi~~.:hway l~Q. 96: 1llilt lion sale, II malt I'off sale, II cigarette, <br />retail soft drinks, pin ball, juke box, restaurant (cafe/cafeteria.) <br />Stephen C. Sherack, d.b,a. ".il.rden Hills Club Cafe," at Highway Ho. 8, <br />mar Highway lTo. 10., Malt "on sale,' malt "off: sale," cigarette, <br />retail soft drinks, pin ball, juke box, and rEBtaurant (caf'e/ <br />caf'eteria, ) <br />Bochnak, 1m., operator of' "Lakeview Terrace Club," at 16.58 Lake .Joharma <br />Boulevard: lYra 1 t "on sale, n malt "0 ff sale," ci~re tte, retail <br />soft drinks, pin ball, juke box, restaurant (caf'e/caf'eteria.) <br /> <br />e1be licenses to be issued upon applications accempanied by the annual f'ees, re- <br />spectivelyas follows: kraIt "on sale," $24.00, malt "off' sale!;:" $.5.00, retail <br />sof't drinks $.5.00, cigarette $12.00, restaurant (cafe/caf'eteria] $.5.00, pin ball <br />$5.00 fur each rr.achine, juke box $30.00 per machine. <br /> <br />PEBLITS: Harold ~dnoske appeared before the council with a request; <br />thereupon Mack moved and DeLange seconded a motion, which was carried, that the <br />oral application of Harold Grudnoske to lease his barn at No. Ilj.lj.O West Hi&~way <br />Ilo. 96 for the purp ose of' dehydrating alf'alf'a and for storage and sale be granted. <br />