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<br />72 <br /> <br />'!he mayor stated that Building Inspector Hurlbert had reparted to him <br />the ease of a trailer with lean-to to which the owner proposed to add a porch and <br />was stopped by him, and also that neighbors were complaining of slop being thrown <br />around it; withou:t motion this 1II8S re1'erred to the Public Safety Committee be- <br />cause of pOSSible violation of building code. <br /> <br />caDm: :By motion of Doepner seconded by Delange the following claillS were <br />approved for p~nt: <br /> <br />1/67 - R. 8: Val J. Rothschild, Inc. - Wm. H. Hite Agency, <br />Salitros constable bond premium <br />68 - County of llamaey - 4/26 - 5/25 road work <br />69 - lI'al tel'S. Booth 8: SOIL - 500 veri fied aocount forms <br />70 - lI'alter Onmmings - June salary as mayor <br />71 - Rermn J. lloepner - June salary as clerk <br />72 - K. Rex llllC1UIIg - June salary as trustee <br />'13 - B, J. DeLange -. · <br />74 - lI'alter T. Mack -. . <br />75 - 'l'orthG. Reall. - salary as treasurer <br />76 - R. 8: Val J. Rothschild, Inc. - '1m. H. Hite Agency _ <br />public Habili ty, auto, and workemns c()mpensation iIl8. <br />7'1 - Paul ~kiewicz - gravel an4 spreadiDg <br />78 - J. L. SUe 17 ao., Inc. _ gravel at: SIIIi th place <br />79 - Carl F. Bucher - 1 gal. weell. killer <br />80 - St. Paul Civil Defeue C01UlCil - 15 helme.tI <br />81 - Paul Irul3kiewicz - removing stull1Ps at Siems tlu'narOUILd <br />82 - 1I'01ters Auto Sapply Co. - 2 sets flares for eonstables <br /> <br />SUllING COMl1lITTEE :aEPcm'l'S, oontiD:lell.: <br /> <br />Finance: Ch, lloepner reall. m1lll11.tes of the Finance Committee meeting held <br />June 21st. In this cOllllection the council tacit17 agreed that the county's <br />credit for 19.52 _s in addition to the $7500.00 bud-get, DeLange said the credit <br />was intended for culvert clean-out, snow d: ice removal, and the $7500.00 for <br />new construction or work. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />$ 9.2.5 <br />18\.82 <br />9.87 <br />12..50 <br />2.5.00 <br />10.00 <br />10.00 <br />10.00 <br />5.00 <br /> <br />191.41 <br />6.00 <br />17..59 <br />6.00 <br />2,3.70 <br />20.00 <br />11.60 <br /> <br />'!he matter of ilJCreasing the clerk's salary was discu.sed at some length <br />and again tabled by the mayor. <br /> <br />TILLAGE ATTORNEY: !!he clerk handell. the mayor letter dated Jime 19th from <br />Clayton J. Ie Fevere of the firm of Kel17 8: Ie Fevere, Mi:nneapo11 s, (attorney <br />for Lauderdale) quoting rates from which he real!. aloud the portion beginning with <br />the rates to the ,ani thereof; because his rates are higher than some others <br />quoted previ0U8~, ancl also because he is otherwise engaged on our 1I0nday meet- <br />ing nights, the clerk is to rep~ to him aocording~ and file the letter. <br /> <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />In this connectiou Vince Courtney's bid of $2.5.00 <br />by the ma,yor and. the mayor by tacit consent of the c il <br />nbmi t a lette1' covering for the oOUIlCil's considerat on. <br /> <br />iUlJOURNDft: At 11 :4.5 P.M. <br />seo OlIded by lloe pner . <br /> <br />'--/, <br /> <br />-'~ 'f <br />~~ <br /> <br />Mayor <br /> <br />was Mnti oneil. <br />invite him to <br />