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<br />71 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />llEZPIIlIJG: W. E. Snell, Right of Way Agent for the Northern States Power <br />Compa~, Hilmeapolis, appeared with Fral-k Winieoki from whom his oompa~ was <br />buying -all that part of the Southeast one-quarter (SE!1 of the Southeast one- <br />quarter. (SE!) of Section 21, ~n 30 North, Range 23 liest, lying northerly of <br />S.T.H. 100. . westerly of SnellingAve., and Easterly of S.T.H. 10, Illlbjeot to <br />said S.T.H. 10 and 100 and Snelling Ave.," for a plllrer station, with rsquest <br />for rezoning the said traot from farm-residential district to an incll1strial dis- <br />triot. 'He presented blue print dated April 19.52, letter dated .June 30th, 19.52 <br />from Civil EDgineer Milner W. Carley, and a ]?lit! tion for the rezoning signed <br />by the seller Frank Winieok:l.. After discussion the council by motion oJr lleIange <br />seoonded by Doepner authorized the olerk to give 10 days' publi shed. notioe in <br />the offiOial,paper, for hearing thereon on JUly 14, 19.52, at B o'clock P.M., in <br />the town hall, and also to post the same lnthree plaoes. <br /> <br />JUSTICE CO~: Upon request of Justice of the Peaoe Graffunder the council <br />by motion, of Cummings secQllded by lleLange granted him permission to use the town <br />hall for Justice court on !\1esday and Fridq evenings, except the town meeting <br />night. <br /> <br />CIVIL DIilFENSE: Chief oJr .Au.xiliary POlio, Graff'under handed the mayor a <br />letter from Col. Miller, whiohhe read, praisiJl& the work of the Arden Hills <br />aU%iliary police in polioing a recent disaster at Cirole Pines. !he ltter was <br />then handed baok to him. ' <br /> <br />BEPOR'1l3 OF S':P.lmlING COMIII'l'TEES, aonUlIU.ed: 19.52 Street EmU_tel Bob Ash- <br />baoh, member of the Public Works Committee, reported that he Illlbmitted oW!' 19.52 <br />street program to Mike Mergens, who specializes in small road projeets and has <br />the proper equipment therefor to do some jobs for the village, under his personal <br />su.pervision. He said Mergens would do it at from 1/3 to 1/2 1U1der the county's <br />eurrent estimate. After discussion the oOUIlCil by motion of JlCC1UDg seconded by <br />Cuwnings authorized. the Public Yiorks Chairman to have him prooeed 11:1. th the fol- <br />lowing in the latter's discretionl <br /> <br />.ls Job 1: (1) Skilee Lane from GlellaI'den :acad to Hamline <br />(3) Skiles Lane from east 0 l' TH#.51 to top of hi 11 at lAnes. <br />4s Job. 2: (2) Forest Lane at Lange's Driveway. <br />As Job 3: (7) Seims Court turn..around, uoept removal of BQapS (lIhioh <br />have been removed by Paul for $20.00.) <br />As .Tob 4: (12) Edgewater cl: Co. Rd, D, which the oOlDmittee lIaB added. to <br />the eounty BU1'veyor's list. <br /> <br />Chairman Delange also rsported. that Item 6, RidgelJOOd Lane south of Edgewater <br />AVelIU.e has been installed. <br /> <br />. wEED" IlIlSPEC'l'IOlll lieed Inspector DeLange reported that he bas been spray- <br />ing weeds and. will conUIIIle until the job ill oomplete. <br /> <br />He also reported that weed cutting done last year IRIS not satiefaotory <br />and that he preferred to have sOlllsone else do it this year. By motion of Cum.. <br />mings seconded by McClung he was authorized to haTe the eutUng done in his 0_ <br />diBcretion. <br />Ch. <br />Public Welfare: MoClung reported he plans on oalling a meeting BOon. Be <br />invited B\1ggestions, and the olerk mentioned that the ~n City ~ailer Coach <br /> <br />Park may require inspection. <br />