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<br /> <br />Special Revenue Funds <br />Special Revenue Funds are used <br />to account for revenues derived <br />from specific taxes or other ear- <br />marked revenue sources. They are <br />required by statute to finance par- <br />ticular functions, activities, or <br />governments. The City of Arden <br />Hills has the following recurring <br />Special Revenue Funds: <br />• Cable TV accounts for revenue <br />and expenditures related to ca- <br />ble TV, internet and other forms <br />of communication. Revenue for <br />this fund comes primarily from <br />cable owner franchise fees. <br />• EDA Operations accounts for <br />general administration activities <br />that are not specific to any indi- <br />vidual Tax Increment Financing <br />(TIF) District, as well as activi- <br />ties associated with the Eco- <br />nomic Development Commission <br />and Economic Development Au- <br />thority. <br />• EDA TIF Districts account for <br />revenues derived from tax in- <br />crements and expenditures for <br />developer reimbursements and <br />administrative expenses. The <br />City had three districts at the <br />end of 2023. <br />The City also established an <br />American Rescue Plan Act Fund to <br />administer the ARPA funds and a <br />Karth Lake Improvement District <br />Fund to manage a pump replace- <br />ment project. These are short- <br />term funds. <br />• Very Strong economy, with <br />access to a broad and diverse <br />metropolitan statistical area. <br />• Very strong management, with <br />strong financial polices and <br />practices. <br />• Very strong budgetary perfor- <br />mance and liquidity. <br />• Very strong debt and contin- <br />gent liability position. <br />• Strong institutional frame- <br />work. <br />Arden Hills received a “AAA” rat- <br />ing from Standard and Poor’s <br />Global on its 2018 bond issue. <br />This is the highest possible rat- <br />ing you can receive. A high bond <br />rating translates into lower fu- <br />ture borrowing costs. It shows <br />that the City is able to meet its <br />financial commitments and has <br />the lowest risk of default. This <br />rating is based on the City’s: <br />Long Term Debt <br />City of Arden Hills Popular Annual Financial Report <br />The goal of the PAFR is to sup- <br />plement—not replace—the An- <br />nual Report. <br />Similar to the Annual Report, <br />information in the PAFR con- <br />forms to Generally Accepted Ac- <br />counting Principles (GAAP). For <br />more detailed information and <br />copies of the PAFR or Annual <br />Report, visit the city’s website <br />at <br />Internal service funds are an <br />accounting device used to <br />accumulate and allocate <br />costs internally among the <br />City’s various functions. The <br />City maintains internal ser- <br />vice funds for risk manage- <br />ment, engineering, central <br />garage and technology. The <br />combined totals for these <br />funds are: <br />Internal Service Funds <br />8 • Arden Hills Notes • July 2024