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<br /> <br />Residents receive a variety of City ser- <br />vices at an affordable price. The cost of <br />City services in 2023 for the owner of a <br />single-family home in Arden Hills with an <br />assessor’s market value of $443,550 was <br />$87.88 per month. <br />The checkbook shows how the monthly <br />cost of property tax-supported services <br />was divided among City departments. <br />Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund: The Pavement Management Program <br />(PMP) identifies, inventories, and tracks street conditions to ensure that maintenance <br />is completed at the appropriate time. The results are prolonged pavement life and re- <br />duced costs to property owners. The most recent projects occurred in 2022, which <br />consisted of the Arden Oaks neighborhood and Snelling Avenue. Year end fund bal- <br />ance was $5,605,205. <br />Public Safety Projects: This fund accounts for the City’s share of capital equipment <br />costs for police and fire. Year end fund balance was $801,046. <br />Equipment/Building Maintenance & Repair: City equipment and buildings are <br />monitored regularly and replaced/repaired when needed. Transfers are made from <br />various funds to fund these expenditures. Year end fund balance was $383,682. <br />Parks: This fund was established for park/trail acquisition, maintenance and develop- <br />ment. Revenue for this fund comes from developer park dedication fees, contributions, <br />state grants and investment interest. Year end fund balance was $197,648. <br />Enterprise Funds <br />City of Arden Hills Popular Annual Financial Report <br />Capital Funds <br />Check Register <br /> Description of Transaction Balance <br />PPuubblliicc SSaaffeettyy $$ 3399..8844 <br />GGeenneerraall GGoovveerrnnmmeenntt $$ 1188..2211 <br />PPaarrkkss aanndd RReeccrreeaattiioonn $$ 1100..6633 <br />PPuubblliicc WWoorrkkss $$ 1100..0066 <br />CCaappiittaall //EEDDAA $$ 99..1144 <br />About this Report <br />The City of Arden Hills <br />reports financial year- <br />end results in the Annual <br />Comprehensive Financial <br />Report (Annual Report). <br />The Popular Annual <br />Financial Report (PAFR) <br />is an unaudited report <br />that summarizes the <br />most significant data <br />from the Annual Report, <br />and is consistent with <br />Generally Accepted <br />Accounting Principles. <br />For a complete review of <br />the City’s financial <br />position for 2023, consult <br />the 2023 Annual Report <br />available on the City’s <br />website at <br />, <br />or from the Finance <br />Department at <br />651.792.7800. <br />87.88 <br />January 1, 2023 <br />Homeowner <br />City Of Arden Hills <br />Eighty seven dollars and 88/100—————— <br />MONTHLY police, fire, street <br />Homeowner <br /> YOUR BANK <br />Cost of City Services <br />The Enterprise Funds are run like a business in that they rely on fees and charges for <br />revenue to cover expenses. These funds consist of utility services provided to the com- <br />munity by the City such as water, sewer, surface water and recycling. A rate study was <br />completed in 2018 and projected infrastructure improvements will require annual user <br />rate increases for the foreseeable future. User rates are evaluated each year during <br />the budget cycle. <br />Based on an average usage of 4,800 gallons per month, the 2023 monthly cost of utili- <br />ties for a home in Arden Hills was $93.64 (Arden Hills bills on a quarterly basis). <br /> Revenues Expenses <br />Water 3,250,822 2,777,247 <br />Sewer 2,557,486 1,990,808 <br />Surface Water 999,356 747,556 <br />Recycling 188,443 154,519 <br /> 6,996,107 5,670,130 <br /> • July 2024 • 9