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<br />79 <br /> <br />Mr. Hunt also repor ted that he and six others had an airplane dust <br />trees in their area at a cost of $70 to kill green worms onthe trees, that <br />the treatment was effecti ve. The dusting operation was carried out on May <br />26th. <br /> <br />llEPOR'lB OF OFFICERS: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />llayor: 'l!1e 7I13.lor reported that he had advice from the County Assessor that <br />I. B. M. machines in the Arms Plant were assessed at 1/3d of a true value of <br />$38,000.00, and that the village has been credited aCeor41ngly. At the 1951 <br />mill rate of 12.53 the revenue to the village will amount to $158.70. <br /> <br />He also read a letter dated 4th from Mr. Vincent P. Courtney, in <br />which, among others, he suggested a "1Iix-month trial periOd for each of us at <br />a base fee of $25.00 per month," and by phone call of Aug. 6 with the mayor <br />he agreed to include regular meetings which he had excepted from <br />his letter. He stated fUrther in his letter "if there are additional matters <br />beyond these items I would expect to bill you. for them on the basis of the time <br />involved. For example, if any local impr ovements are planned under the Village <br />Code, those would have to be handled on a time basis." !he letter also stipu- <br />lates that at the end of the si~month trial period as Village attorney both <br />parties would re-examine the eitaation. By motion ofMOClung seconded by <br />Doepner the council voted nto accept the proposal with the fUrther understanding <br />tha t he will attend regular council meetings as agreed in phone call with Mayor <br />Cummings. .. <br /> <br />REPOR'lB OF OFFICERS, contd.: <br /> <br />Mayor Cwnmings reported that his Planning Collllllittee is meeting once a month, <br />and that it is planning an inspection tour of the village, and that he has sub- <br />mi tted to it the matter of obtaining certain acreage from the Du1'ont people for <br />park purposes. <br /> <br />'l!1e olerk asked the chairmen of the standing cornmi thes to submit their <br />1953 budget requirements by the first week in September. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />PETITIONS, llDIDNS'l!lANCES, EW.: Contd. <br /> <br />'l!1e council resumed discussion with Mr. Skildum of his natter previously <br />referred to. He submitted a topography plat dated June 14, 1952 prepared by <br />H. If. Purcell of his Lots 1, 2, 3, Block 5, Arden Hills NO.2 Addition, and <br />asked the council for permission to change the course of dzainage so that he <br />can build three houses facing west On Glenarden Road. !the plat and matter were <br />referred to Ch. DeLaIlge of the Publio 'Works Committee for investigation and <br />report. <br /> <br />SProIAL ORDERS, contd. <br /> <br />- <br />At this point the counoil resumed discussion of dust coating wHch was <br />deferred pending arrival of certain interested persons, who, however, failed to <br />appear. After discussion, and because of the advanced season, McClung moved <br />and lloepner seconded a motion, which was passed, to authorize Ch. Delange to <br />have M. S. Margens, Highway Con1tractor, blade and shape all streets in Arden <br />Hille Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Additions in Delange's discretion, and also authorized <br />