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Commission added Condition 19 to the conditions of approval, which states The Applicant shall <br />follow city code accordingly for tree mitigation of 300 caliper inches. <br />The City Code requires a minimum of one (1) tree be provided along the right-of-way of every 40 <br />feet of public street frontage. The proposed development would be required to plant seven (7) <br />trees along Pine Tree Drive which the Applicant has satisfied in their landscaping plan as <br />presented. A landscape plan is included as Attachment H. <br />F. Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation — Meets Requirements <br />Section 1325.05 Subd. 8, P states new building construction shall include construction of a <br />minimum of six (6) foot concrete sidewalk adjacent to or in all right-of-way. In addition, there <br />shall be an internal sidewalk connection linking the primary entrance with the public sidewalk. <br />The Applicant has indicated they will comply with this requirement. <br />The Applicant is not proposing a bicycle rack/bicycle parking as part of this development. City <br />Code Section 1325.05 Subd, 8, Q applies to commercial uses and requires one (1) space for every <br />20 parking spaces. <br />3. Off -Street Parking Standards - Section 1325.06 <br />A. Parking Setbacks — Meets Requirements <br />The City Code requires off-street parking areas to be located a minimum of 20 feet from the right- <br />of-way of any public street and five (5) feet from any side or rear lot lines. The Applicant has <br />satisfied these requirements with the site plan as presented. <br />B. Number of Parking Stalls — Planning Commission Recommendation <br />Per City Code 1325.06, there are general categories that determine the number of parking spaces <br />that would need to be provided. Public Use is listed under the category of "Uses Not Specifically <br />Noted Including Public Uses — As Determined by the City Council after recommendation by <br />Planning Commission". <br />Page 10 of 14 <br />