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Staff is requesting Council consideration regarding conditional approval of the City's outdoor <br />concert license and miscellaneous permit. The permits are conditional based on the following: <br />• Ramsey County Sheriff and Public Works approval of security and traffic plans <br />• Lake Johanna Fire Department approval of fire protection and EMS response <br />• Public Health approval of food handling and/or other public health items <br />• Approval by any other required regulated agencies not identified here <br />The sponsors of the event must comply with any requests made of the aforementioned agencies to <br />satisfy permit approvals. As part of this approval, Staff or Council will have the right to revoke the <br />permit should it be deemed the event or its sponsors are not complying, or planning to not comply, <br />with any of the outlined provisions. <br />Budget Impact <br />N/A <br />Attachments <br />Attachment A: Miscellaneous permit application <br />Attachment B: Outdoor Concert license application <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />