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Page 2 <br /> 767 Eustis Street, Suite 100, St Paul, MN 55114 «Office_» <br /> <br />in the study area. For other issue areas, the analysis that was completed in 2014 and 2019 <br />remained valid. The areas updated were: <br />⚫ Cover types <br />⚫ Land use <br />⚫ Water resources <br />⚫ Contamination/hazardous materials/solid wastes <br />⚫ Fish, plant communities, and sensitive ecological resources <br />⚫ Visual <br />⚫ Transportation <br />No new impacts or mitigation measures were identified for cover types, land use, water <br />resources, contamination/hazardous materials/solid wastes, or visual. <br />The updated traffic analysis identified two new mitigation measures: <br />⚫ Monitoring the intersection of Mounds View Boulevard and County Road H as <br />development occurs to see if anticipated traffic volumes, delays, and queues are <br />realized <br />⚫ Restriping the southbound through lane at CSAH 96 & Northern Heights/TCAAP <br />South Access to be a shared through/right turn lane <br />The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) review of sensitive ecological <br />resources was pending at the time of publication of the AUAR Update, and additional <br />mitigation measures from the DNR were anticipated after the DNR review was complete. <br />AUAR UPDATE COMMENT PERIOD <br />The AUAR Update was published in the EQB Monitor on May 14, 2024 for agency and <br />public comment, and comments were accepted through May 29, 2024. Two comment letters <br />were received: Metropolitan Council and DNR. No objections were filed. A summary of the <br />comments is provided below. The complete comments and associated responses are <br />included in Attachment D of the AUAR Update. <br />Metropolitan Council <br />The Metropolitan Council provided comments regarding Transportation Analysis Zone <br />allocations, planning for future pedestrian/bicycle access and transit, and consideration of <br />climate and greenhouse gas emissions. <br />Minnesota DNR <br />The Minnesota DNR provided comments on the topics listed below as well as its Natural <br />Heritage Review letter. The AUAR Update was revised to reflect the information provided in <br />the Natural Heritage Review. <br />⚫ Round Lake cleanup staging area <br />⚫ State-listed species in the vicinity of the AUAR study area <br />⚫ Federally-listed species and compliance with the Endangered Species Act