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<br /> 101 <br /> opin~on from A~torneY-General, J.A.A. Burnquist in regard to <br /> ~a~s~ng an ord~nance to compensate constables as pOlice officers. <br /> \vh~le such an ordina:nce isn't compulsory, it was reco=ended by <br /> the Attorney-General's Office. <br /> McClung moved and DeLange seconded a motion that village <br /> attorney, Courtney should draw up a broad, flexible ordinance to <br /> encompass any later changes that might be made as to salary, <br /> hours etc. The motion carried. <br /> . Mack then moved Gnd DeLange seconded a motion that the <br /> constables' pay of $75 per mo. and $25 per mo. gas allowance <br /> be extended for the month of January. <br /> The matter of insurance coverage for the constables while <br /> on duty was discussed. Attorney, Courtney' was of' the opinion <br /> that the constables were not adequately covered. Mack suggested <br /> that company carrying other village insurance should be contacted. <br /> HcClung moved and J.lack seconded a motion that Attorney, Courtney <br /> check into this matter. Motion carried. <br /> REZONING: A peition for the vacation of' that portion of <br /> Center 0treet in the Village of Arden Hills which lies between <br /> the ~asterly line of Highway Number 8 and the westerly line of <br /> Highway Number 10 was made by the fi;cDonald Lumber Co., Inc. <br /> Aftllj';'"discussion the council by motion of Mack seconded by <br /> DeLange authorized the clerk to give published notice in the <br /> official paper, for hearing thereon at the next council meeting, <br /> Monday, January 26, 1953, at 8 o'clock P.M., in the village tiall, <br /> and also to post the same in three places. <br /> 'l'he Ingerson Platt was presented to the council, but inas- <br /> much as it included several debateable points which will be <br /> covered in a new ordinance, McClung suggested postponing action. <br /> ~'IR:~ PROTECTION: Mack moved and DeLange seconded a motion <br /> that we pay the Lake Johanna Volunteer Fire Dept. and the Spring <br /> Lake Park Fire Dept. $1000 each for fire protection during the <br /> year 1953. $500 is to be paid to each on January 1, 1953 and <br /> July 1, 1953. The motion carried. <br /> PUBLIC WORmS: The Weed Inspection Report was given to the <br /> clerk for permanent filing. DeLange also supplied clerk with a <br /> list of people to be billed for culverts. <br /> Mack then moved, and McClung seconded a motion that two <br /> . claims dtr~sented by DeLange be approved. Claims were for $60 <br /> fe,'if'ilra ing, Shaping and placing of cuI verts and ~32. 50 for the <br /> spraying of obnoxious weeds. Motion carried. <br /> PUBLIC WELl"AHE: McClung, Chairman. Reports were made on <br /> a hog farm near the arms plant and on a trailer located on <br />