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<br />- <br />. 50-2-4 <br /> <br />, <br />.. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br />, <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />NOi'l,. THEREFORE. DE IT liESOLVED, That said general laJou-G ple.n for the <br /> <br />IDeation. improvemert and designat:on of points of aceess to said TrurJc lrighway <br /> <br />throl.;,gh said <br /> <br />Village <br /> <br />be and the same is hereby appr07ed; and <br /> <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That when plans and specifications of said improve- <br /> <br />menG on Trunk Highwe.y No. <:, <br /> <br />have been c cmpleted end submi -tted to this Council <br /> <br />in flccordrtnce with the ccbove proposal, the will 'be approved by further rosolt,- <br /> <br />4< <br /> <br />tio,,; "nd <br /> <br />BE IT FURrlJER RESOLVED, Thd Village <br /> <br />do os heroby o.gree and <br /> <br />(lovonant tho.t it will never permit or suffer, nithin its corperate limits, any <br /> <br />encreachment of any kind nhntsoever, including curb gas pumps ~nd gas stc.tions, <br /> <br />billbcc,rds or other structures of r.ny kind whatsoover. upon the right of wc.y of <br /> <br />Tru..'1k Highway No. 51 <br /> <br />as shovm on pll1ns o.nd that to the o.beve end Village <br /> <br />hereby agrees that it will r~vor issue any license, pormit, or grant, er give cny <br /> <br /> or liberty or any othor consent of whatever form for the construction or main- <br /> <br />tene.ncG of o.ny encroachment "ho.tsoever, including curb g"s rumps c.nd gns stntior.s, <br /> <br />billbecc.rdJ cr other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon 8C\id right of Wf',y; and <br /> <br />tho.t S[\i~.Villa~fill cooperate insof"r as possible to oliminC\to existing <br /> <br />encroC\chments constituting trC\ffic hazards C\nd vnll ftwther take C\ny neoessary <br /> <br />oction to eliminC\te cny oncroachment thC\t mny hcreC\ftcr exist on sC\id Trunk Highwny <br /> <br />right of way; and <br /> <br />BE IT Fu~THER RESOLVED, That sai~ Village does hereby agree to require <br />the parking of all vehicles on said Trunk Highway to be parallel "~th the curb and at <br /> <br />least 20 feet from any cross~~Its at 0.11 public streets intersecting said Trunk <br /> <br />Highway wi tMn the corporate limits of sdd Village <br /> <br />, Minn.esota, this~A::i._ dilY of :::J,A.. A L 19 <br />VILJAGE of ARDEN HILlS <br /> <br />53 <br /> <br />Dated at Arden Hills <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />President <br /> <br />Mayor <br /> <br />STA1'E OF MJ:N"ESOTA <br />COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br />VILIAGE OF ARDEN HILIS <br /> <br />, <br />. <br />~ss . <br />J <br /> <br />Attest: ~~S0. ~;C d--d-u- <br />C10r Recorder' <br /> <br />I dc he:eby certify that at a regular moeting (at n special meeting of which <br />ciue ani:. legal notice vms given) of tho Village Coccncil of Arden Hili! <br />Minneset", on. of ,~__j' ~ 1953' ,a." whic'l n ni.ajority of tho <br />mOlilbcrs of' sn~d Councl.l1'fcrlJ priGS tJ th.:--~ing rosolu(;ion was unanimously D.doptcd~ <br /> <br />Given under my haud me. senl thisa!2:r..l--day of r. ./ , 1953 . <br /> <br /> <br />~~A ~ (<../!?..;'/.."-.~ <br />-~~ Recorder <br />