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<br />.' 50002-6 <br /> <br />RESOLTJTION <br /> <br />S.P. 6236-10 (10=62) <br /> <br />Ramsey <br /> <br />County <br /> <br />STATE OF MINNES0rA <br /> <br />) <br />~ ss, <br /> <br />VILIAGE <br /> <br />0],' ARDEN HIUS <br /> <br />1i1HEREAS, The Comnissioner of' Highways of' the state of' Minnesota is about <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />to designate the looation of Trunk Highway No. 10 <br /> <br />formerly designated as Trunk <br /> <br />Highway No. 62 <br /> <br />. through the Villageor <br /> <br />Arden Hills <br /> <br />. as shown l:\!lon the <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />general layout plan Vlhioh is presented herewith and a po.rt hereof, <md <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Said Commissioner of.' Highwo.ys propose to make improvements <br /> <br />in said trunk highway through Vill~e <br /> <br />of' Arden Hills <br /> <br />and is designating <br /> <br />the general layout o.nd point of o.ooess to. sdd trunk highwo.y as shoVln on the general <br /> <br />l~yout plan attC\Ohed hereto, whioh said plan is presented herewith nnd lllllde a pnrt <br /> <br />of' this resolution. and <br /> <br />WHEREAS. Said projoot and snid plan. in order to partioipnto in foderal <br />funds. require tho approval of tho Federal Bureau of Public Roads, and <br /> <br />WEEREAS, The Fodornl Bureau of' Publio Roads requires as a oondition preoo- <br />. dont to suoh approval. the assurance and oovon...nt that tho Village of Arden Hills <br /> <br />will not lioense or permit horoQi'to;o, c.ny onoroaohmont of c.ny nnturo, inoluding ourb <br /> <br />gc.s pumps or gus stations or billbo(\rds or othor struoturos of any ld.lld wba'tleQovcr. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />on tho right of vro.y of said Trunk Highwo.y No. 10 <br /> <br />within tho oorporato limits of <br /> <br />said Village <br /> <br />of Arden Hills <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />~.s shown upon tho pluns attnohod, and <br /> <br />WBERE11B. In tho furtheranoe of the public woll being and snfety it is do sir- <br />nblo nnd nooessnry to oliminnte trcffio hazards by olimino.ting nny oncronollments what- <br /> <br />soovor inoluding gas pumps or gas stations or billbonrds or other struoturos of' nny <br /> <br />kind ?thutsoovor, nOIl or horoo.ttor oxisting in or upon tho said Trur.k Highwo.y right <br /> <br />of wny. c.nd <br /> <br />WHEREAS, Said Cammlssionor of Highwuys dosires. in tho intorest of publio <br />eo.foty, that >:\11 parking of vehioles on scid Trunk Highwny be parallel with 'the our. <br />end at loast 20 feet frOlD any crosswn1ks at all public stroets into1'sootio;; said Trunk <br /> <br /> within tho oorporato limits of said <br /> <br />Village ,end <br /> <br />WHEREAS, It is to tho bost intorests of' snid Village <br />parking of vehioles be po.rallol to the' ourb, <br /> <br />that all <br />