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<br />145 <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />Minutes of Hercular Meeting, Council of the Village of Arden Hills <br />Tuesday, March 30, 1954 <br /> <br />dents have an opportunity to study the various factors in- <br />volved rend present their findings at 8 future hm"rinr;. A <br />netition si~ned by residents of the villa~o stating their <br />opposition to the nroposed expansion of the Anoka County site <br />WilS presented to the council. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />After diRcussion in which Bill Kiewalski, Mrs. Fred Michaud, <br />Paul Klaus,Adolnh Meyer and council members took part'll ammend- <br />ments to the resolutiol' as presented Vlere suggested. Mc Clung <br />moved and Ludlo1!! seconded f' motion adoptfimrc the resolution as <br />amfmded to extend the tine for the fine.l d.ecision by the MAC <br />-"until April 26, 1951.. The motion caried.vrith Mr. Mack voting <br />contr.'lry. HI's. LudlQv~ was appointed by the council to vmrk <br />with the residents of the village on the airport question. <br /> <br />Fimmce CO"lmittee * Ch. Ludlow stated the committee would meet <br />the foilllowing Yieek. <br /> <br />Public Safety * The "latter of m8king the police officer employed <br />by ehempion Motors a "lember of the police force of Arden Hills <br />,!as rGferred~to_the Village Attor~ey. <br />---~_.._-_.,.--' <br /> <br />Public Welfare - The contract for dl1mping privileges for resi- <br />dents of the village expired April 1, pt the Moundsview D1L11lp. <br />Mr. Schifsky informed the council by letter that fl nomin81 sum <br />will be chrervod all residents usin,o; the dump After the abov8 <br />date. <br />Mr. Mack stated that not much is available for park facilities <br />within the villsl':e. He maile no reco"1I1lend.ation. <br /> <br />Public Works - MI'. Ashbpch renortEld that in all probability it <br />VJould be possihle to give two dust coatinps of oil to the roads <br />this year --the cost of snow removal [lOving been 1'lUCfl less than <br />is normal. <br /> <br />Mack moved and Mc Clunp; seconded a !"lotioE fluthorizing the clerk <br />to purchase the new checks order by the Public Examiner's Office <br />-carried. <br /> <br />Th8 village 8ttorncy vms instructed by the council to check <br />illtO the zoning of the pronerty ormed by the Du Pont Copp. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mack moved ":nd Lu<'Uow seconded a motion thet the Village of <br />Arden Hills cxpnnd SllCh amount 8.S is necessary to purchase a <br />plrcqlw in commemoration of the first mayor of the Village of <br />