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<br />Page 4 of 24 <br /> <br />and their request includes supplementary materials related to a security plan and traffic <br />considerations. <br /> <br />City Code Section 1355.04 Subd. 3 of the Arden Hills Zoning Code lists the criteria for evaluating <br />a Conditional Use Permit. The Planning Commission and City Council should consider the effect <br />of the proposed use upon the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the owners and <br />occupants of the surrounding land and the community, in general, including but not limited to the <br />following factors: <br /> <br />1. Existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions; <br />2. Noise, glare, odors, vibration, smoke, dust, air pollution, heat, liquid or solid waste, and <br />other nuisance characteristics; <br />3. Drainage; <br />4. Population density; <br />5. Visual and land use compatibility with uses and structures on surrounding land; <br />6. Adjoining land values; <br />7. Park dedications where applicable; <br />8. Orderly development of the neighborhood and the City within the general purpose and <br />intent of the Zoning Code and the Comprehensive Development Plan for the City. <br /> <br />Other Approvals <br /> <br />As part of the land use application, the Applicant is proposing an amendment to the City Code to <br />add an event center as a type of business licensed in Arden Hills and to allow for the on-sale liquor <br />sales at an event center through a state licensed caterer. These amendments are proposed in Chapter <br />3 and 5 of the City Code which establish business licensing and the standards for alcoholic <br />beverages in the City, respectively. Due to State Statute, an event center cannot hold a liquor <br />license. The Applicant has stated in their narrative that in Phase I of the redevelopment, the <br />proposed event center would provide food and alcohol services through caterers with State <br />Licenses. As part of Phase II, the Applicant intends to open the restaurant and to obtain a city <br />liquor license for the restaurant to enhance the dining experience and complement event catering. <br /> <br />The Applicant notes that while the intent is to operate the restaurant on the property to serve both <br />food and alcohol, there could be occasions that external catering is utilized to accommodate <br />specific culinary preferences. Allowing the proposed event center to serve alcohol with a licensed <br />caterer would provide for more flexible and inclusive services. <br /> <br />City Code text amendments to Chapter 3 and 5 are part of this land use application. The Planning <br />Commission will not be asked to make a finding of fact or consider motion language for the <br />Chapter 3 and 5 City Code amendments. The City Council will review those amendments at a later <br />scheduled date. <br /> <br />Zoning Code Text Amendments <br /> <br />The purpose of the B-2 General Business District is to: <br />• Be a place in which people can live, work and play. <br />• Create a compact, architecturally diverse, pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly community <br />with a distinct identity.