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<br />Page 15 of 24 <br /> <br />Section 1320.06 – District Requirements Chart of the City Code requires a minimum landscape <br />lot area of 20% or 18,908.6 square feet for the Subject Property in the B-2 District. The Applicant <br />is proposing a landscape lot area of approximately 23.34% percent or 22,067 square feet. <br />Additionally, at least 10% or 2,206.7 square feet of the total landscaped area (i.e. 22,067 square <br />feet) shall be covered with perennials and/or shrubbery. The Applicant is proposing perennial <br />and/or shrubbery of approximately 23.63% or 5,214.5 square feet. <br /> <br />Planting islands shall occupy 10% or 6,478.8 square feet of the parking area (i.e. 64,788 square <br />feet). The landscaping plans show seven (7) proposed parking islands but do not indicate the total <br />square feet of the provided planting islands. Additionally, per City Code, planting islands shall be <br />edged with concrete curbs. Parking lot planting islands shall be a minimum of 150 square feet in <br />area, be of appropriate width and length, and include at least one tree to meet the requirements of <br />this ordinance. The Applicant has stated a request for flexibility from the planting islands <br />requirements for concrete curbs and one tree per parking lot planting island. Plans show that six <br />(6) of the seven (7) parking lot planting islands will not have a tree planted and that one (1) planting <br />island would have three (3) trees planted. The request notes that the proposed plans do not include <br />new curb and gutter for parking lot planting islands in order to maintain existing drainage patterns <br />and to allow site lighting in lieu of trees within six (6) of the proposed islands to provide adequate <br />lighting to the site. <br /> <br />The site contains approximately 145 caliper inches of significant trees. Section 1325.055 Subd. 5 <br />allows for the removal of fewer than ten (10) percent of the caliper inches of significant trees on <br />the property without requiring mitigation. Ten percent of 145 is 14.5 caliper inches. The Applicant <br />proposes removing 118 caliper inches of trees, meaning the Applicant is responsible for mitigation <br />of 103.5 caliper inches removed above 10 percent. Per Section 1325.055 Subd 6, the number of <br />caliper inches of trees required for replanting is determined at a rate of 1:2 or one inch replaced <br />for every two inches lost. The Applicant intends to replace the 61 caliper inches required based on <br />the total inches removed and the rate of replacement. <br /> <br />Existing 10% of <br />Existing <br />Proposed <br />Removal <br />Inches in <br />excess of 10% <br />Required <br />Replacement <br />Proposed <br />Replacement <br />145 caliper <br />inches <br />14.5 caliper <br />inches <br />118 caliper <br />inches <br />103.5 caliper <br />inches <br />51.75 caliper <br />inches <br />61 caliper <br />inches <br /> <br />The City Code requires a minimum of one (1) tree be provided along the right-of-way of every <br />50 feet of public street frontage. The Subject Property survey shows the south property line with <br />frontage on Connelly Avenue has 248 feet of frontage. The proposed development would be <br />required to plant five (5) trees along the Connelly Avenue right-of-way. Right-of-way tree <br />plantings are not shown in the plans and is considered a request for flexibility. <br /> <br />G. Snow Storage – For Review <br />Adequate area should be designed for snow storage such that clear visibility shall be afforded <br />from the property to any public street. The Applicant has identified in their narrative and on a <br />Plan Sheet C-B in the Civil Plans (Attachment F) that snow storage would be located at the four <br />corners of the property. The plan shows that if the snow accumulation exceeds capacity <br />available for on-site storage, the Applicant intends to have snow hauled off-site with a snow <br />removal vendor. <br /> <br />H. Parking Setbacks – Meets Requirements