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<br />Page 17 of 24 <br /> <br />J. Traffic Study and Site Circulation – For Review <br />The site currently has one access point to the Subject Property along Connelly Avenue and no <br />changes are proposed to the current configuration. Under Section 1325.05, Subd. 8, a traffic study <br />shall be required for all new developments, redevelopments, and significant modifications to <br />existing sites. A traffic study has been prepared (see Attachment I for summary section of report). <br />The traffic report compares the Phase I event center proposal to the existing bingo hall use during <br />weekday AM and PM peak hours. The memo dated June 10, 2024 prepared by SEH notes that the <br />redevelopment of the site to an event center is expected to generate approximately 130 entering <br />trips in a one-hour period prior to an event and 62 exiting trips after the event. The Phase II <br />restaurant use was not included in the provided traffic comparison or summary. <br /> <br />Compared to the existing use, there would be an additional 120 trips entering in one hour and <br />fewer trips expected to exit during one hour after an event. It is anticipated that the proposed <br />business would generate less than 400 trips in one day, likely on a weekend with an evening event <br />at maximum capacity. The Memo concludes that the anticipated traffic generated is not expected <br />to impact the operations or safety of Connelly Avenue or its intersections with County Road E. <br />The peak hours of events may conflict for a short amount of time with other adjacent businesses <br />and the signal at County Road E and Connelly Avenue to monitor timings and make minor <br />adjustments as needed. <br /> <br />The Applicant was asked to demonstrate how larger trucks would maneuver internally. The <br />Applicant did provide as part of their submission illustrating vehicle movements. This plan sheet <br />is included in the civil plans within Attachment F. The Fire Marshall is still reviewing this <br />application and has yet to provide formal comments. <br /> <br />K. Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation – For Review <br />Pedestrian and bicycle improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City of Arden Hills <br />Comprehensive Plan. The Applicant has provided a pedestrian circulation plan as part of the Civil <br />Plans which shows site navigation for pedestrians. There is not an existing public sidewalk or trail <br />network for an internal sidewalk system to link to adjacent to the Subject Property. <br /> <br />The Applicant is proposing a bicycle rack/bicycle parking as part of this development located near <br />the southeast corner of the building. The submitted Civil Plans show seven (7) bicycle spaces. City <br />Code Section 1325.05 Subd, 8, Q does require one (1) space for every 20 parking spaces. <br />Commercial developments are required to have a minimum of two (2) bicycle parking spaces. <br /> <br />L. Freestanding Signs – Nonconforming, Flexibility Requested <br />The Subject Property is located in Sign District 7. Properties in Sign District 7 are allowed one (1) <br />freestanding sign measuring up to 25 square feet in copy area and not exceeding 8 feet in height. <br />Freestanding signs shall be located at least five (5) feet from any property line. Sign copy area is <br />defined as the area in square feet of the smallest rectangle, circle, or triangle that contains the sign <br />copy. Signs in Sign District 7 may be lit by external illumination only. <br /> <br />The Applicant is proposing to reface an existing freestanding pole sign located on the west side of <br />the property. The existing pole sign is nonconforming with the height, illumination, and sign copy <br />area requirements for freestanding signs in Sign District 7. The proposed internally illuminated <br />sign would be approximately 16 feet in height and have a total sign copy area of approximately <br />23.2 square feet. Also, the total area of a freestanding sign shall not exceed 1.5 times the permitted <br />sign copy area of said sign which would be 34.8 square feet for this application. The proposed