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<br />239 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE: Dr. Hoyt . (,)hairman was absent. <br /> <br />CIVIL DEFENSE: Mr. Hunt, Civil Defense Direetor requested Counoil to <br />enter into oontractwith Northern States Power Company for the installation <br />of pmwer for air raid sirens. After Council disoussion, Mr. McClung moved <br />and Mrs. Stromquist seconded the motion that the village be authorized to <br />enter into oontract with NSP to supply the power for the a 11' raid sirens. <br />Motion passed. Clerk was to request and sign contracts from NSP subjeot <br />to the contracts being ohecked by the Village Attorney. <br /> <br />MAYOR'S REPORT: Mayor Ashbach reported that our Attorney bad reoieved a <br />letter from Senator Humphrey in regard to the Twin Cities Arsenal. A bill <br />to aid villages for lack of tax revenue due to government looation is being <br />considered, and our village is to be notified of further developements on <br />the matter. Mr. Ashbach also stated that at a recent trip to Washington <br />D.C. he had talilled to both Senators Thye and Humphrey about the matter. <br /> <br />CLERK'S REPORT: Upon recommendatioq of Village Attorney, and Village <br />Treasurer, Stro~quist moved and MoVlung seconded the motion ratifying <br />a report of general information of the village prepared by the Clerk and <br />Treasurer for use by Peter Popovich, fisoal agent. Motion passed. <br /> <br />TREASURER'S REPORT: Mr. Read had no report except to state thet to date, all <br />Council spending has been kept within the village budget. <br /> <br />w <br />Claims 842 thru 868 were read by Clerk and approved by the Counoil. <br />c <br /> <br />. At the olose of the re9ular Council meeting a public hearing was held to <br />give information in regard to the June 28 sewer bond election. <br />Mr. Ashbaoh presented baokground information of the sewer situation. Mr. <br />Short, of Bannister Engineering Company and Mr. Peter Popovich, of Peterson <br />and Popovich presented information and figures as presented at the May 21 <br />public hearing. Following presentation of the facts and figures, questions <br />from residentsattending the hearing were answered. <br /> <br />The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. <br /> <br />(j[~, ~- <br />.0. ASHBACH ... . . <br />. MAYOR <br /> <br />~~~ST~~M~<;<-C <br /> <br />CLERK <br /> <br />. <br />