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<br />. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />VILLAGE or ARDEN HIU.S) <br />) <br />COUlf1.'! OF RAMSEY) US()LU'l'IOJl COMI!llNDIHG r. BS1 JlcCL1l1fG <br />) <br />STAt!: or IuMJ!;50TA ) <br />WHEREAS, It. au McClung hu serred the Village ot Arden Hilla .. '!'rut.. <br />.ince the incorporation of the Village in 1951 and. through the year 1956, and <br />WHEREAS, .&1ell. Rex McClung has ren4ered extll 9ly COnllc1.entioua and <br />capable .ernee to the Council ot Arden Hilla and to the people of Arden HU.1a <br />.. auob 'l'rutM, ud <br />WHEIEAS, it 1s \he \1JWrl.Jaoua opinion ot thU Council that bia said .... <br />'rice. haw bHI1 given bqoncl the lllIIits J:'8qu1red by Irl.a otfice, and haft bMn <br />of Rch nlIture .. to :l.acl1oate .m UJmn&llY __ .ense ot J'81JlOnl11bllity and. <br />a high desree of integrity with respect to &ll Village ..tters coming beton <br />the COUIlDU dur1n& h1a .ald period of service, and <br />WHEREAS, .dIll. Rex JlcClung has nlJll' deoided that, owing to the pl'NlI of . <br />other obligationa, he vill be unable to continue .. 'I'ru8tee at the present <br />time, <br />NOW TBEllEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that thill Coul1llil, tor its.lf and on be- <br />h.u of the people ot the Village of Arden lUJ.l8, d088 he1'8b,> expral the <br />. <br />apn1'8ciation and grat1tlJde of the Counoil and of the people of Arden H1l1e to <br />I. Rex McClung tor hia HrnCe. both.. '!'ruste. of thill Council and .. a pub- <br />Uc-ap1r1ted cUben of the Villap. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a suitably-treed COpy' ot thia Rellolution, <br />under the of the Village, be presentsd to K. Rex HoClung .. a te.tiJaonial <br />of the Council and people of Arden Hills. <br />UDanimoualy pIIlllled by the Council at Arden HiU8 thia 26th dq of lJ~ <br />ber, 1956. <br /> <br />VIIJAGE SBAL ~h~:1t~ or Arden B1ll8 <br />, <br />~.~.~~ <br />~t. 1I~ ' <br />of the Village ot Arden <br />