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<br /> ;Jh:h: <br /> ....'/ <br /> seconded the motion that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to enter into <br /> a two year contract with the lake Jollanna Volunteer Fil'e Depal'tment 1'01' , <br /> fire protection for the Village of Arden Hills; said contract to 'Je for the <br /> calendar yea~ 1957 and 1958 and 1'01' the amounts of 4,2125.00 and $2500.00 <br /> respectively per year. lvIotion passed. <br /> PtBLIC vibLFARE COillMITTEb: Dr. Hoyt rpported tr~t the Arde~ Hills Zoning <br /> Ordinance and Map as approved has bee" turned over to the '-'lerk. Mrs. <br /> Stromquist stated that it is to be published in the December 6, 1956 issue <br /> of the Rose Tribune. <br /> .1U'. Carley submitted the profile grades for Shorewood Hills 3 plat for is <br /> C01'ral Road. Mr. Courtney was requested to send the J,rofile grades to <br /> NSP Company and to request easements tr~u their property. <br /> CLEHK'S REPORT: In regard to the Village Licanse request from illr. <br /> Maciaszek, the Village Attorney informed the Council that we cannot consider <br /> issuing permits or licenses until tue land is rezoned to commercial and <br /> the building is constructed. The liquor license request also depends upon <br /> the results of the December 4 election. Tne license l'equests were placed <br /> in the Clerk's f'iles. <br /> Upon motion bJ McClung, seconded by Delange, a special mec;ting was set for <br /> Dec. 0, 1956 at 8:00 P.;~. to dec lare the election results. Motion passed. <br /> ATTOHNEY'S REPORT: Mr. Courtney reported that his letter sent to Joseph <br /> Surina in regard to the unfinished building in the village has been returned <br /> marked "not employed atNW Paper Co" at Clouquet. <br /> IvTr. Courtney reported that the laws in regard to liquor licenses are many. <br /> He stated that the Council can grant either prjvate licenses or municipal <br /> licenses, but not 'Joth. If the vote is unfavorable, the Council can take <br /> no action until the vote is changed a t a new e lee tion. In general, our <br /> village can grant a n~ximum of tnree licenses for llOn sale liquor" and the <br /> numbel' of "Off sale liquor" licenses can be determined by the Council. 'l'he <br /> license fees ti~u.the state for On sale liqlC01' licenses vary from $100.00 <br /> to $5,005.00. The Off sale liquor licenses fees average about $100.00 per <br /> license. I~i1l . Courtney stated tlmt the Council is not required to issue <br /> liquor licenses even if the liquor vote is favorable to issuance of licenses. <br /> EAYOR'S REPORT: l.:.ayor Ashbach repol'ted timt he had met with T C A officials <br /> todIay and has another meeting scheduled for next week in regard to <br /> con~ercial developament within arsenal grounds. There was no progress to <br /> report as yet. <br /> Clerk was requested to write to the County Engin~ 1'01' approval to name the <br /> service drive between Siems Court and Ridpewood the name Hideewood Lane. <br /> R~. Delange was requested to check further in the matter of re-naming of <br /> .Jenson Avenue. <br /> ElJGINEBE'S h<PCRT: lilr. Don Carley reported that iliany suburban Councils have <br /> changed their thoughts on plat requirements and have raised some of them. <br /> Ii;l' . Carley reoo=ended that we consider changing our px'esent oX'dinance, and <br /> stated tlmt he would be glad to meet with us to discuss the subject. lfJayor <br /> Ashbach requested him to attend on of our early 1957 meeting. <br /> Claims 944 tr~u 964 were read by Clerk and approved by Council. <br /> Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.Lc. <br /> ~.~ ..1' & :s t;A. <br /> ..~ e.- '- ~,. -.t <br /> XEXEK'1' ROBERT O. ASilEACH, MAYOR r.o-'lliA ~'m .._, S'l'RCFG"ST . C I TiK <br /> ,j. J....., li.,;. ...... ' "';" "lv' ___~, .U <br />