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<br />266 <br /> <br />;:11'. Wm. liite, repl:'esenting the ~rIite Insurance Agency appearod and <br />presented the auto insurance policies for the village policemen. <br /> <br />Upon motion by Hoyt, seconded by DeLange, an amnlendment to Section 4 of <br />the Arden Hills Zoning Ordinance was intl:'oc1uced by title, to provide for <br />Conditional t;se permits. Notion passed. The ammendment is to be given <br />committee s'cudy by the next meeting. <br /> <br />Upon motion by Stromquist, seconded by Hoyt, licenses fOl' the Grotto <br />Club were appl'oved as requested. :.,otion passed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />lOil'. ';:eber, Police Chief, reported tJ1flt the dog problem has improved <br />considerably in the villag~. <br /> <br />;Layor Ashbac n l'sported the t he had c ontac ted ofric ials in ';:ashington D. C. <br />in l'egard to seeking tax rolief from the Twin citieS Al's.enal. Ee repol"ted <br />that thel'e is a good possibility of gettin3 the fence removed from around <br />Hound Lake. <br /> <br />The th11'd readins was given the alllmendment to Section 1-49 of the 3uilding <br />Code. Hoyt moved, DeLange see onded the motion tIm t this be cons idered the <br />third and 1'inal reading of the ammendment and tha tit be pu.blished in <br />the Eose 'Tribune. hlotion passed. <br /> <br />Upon motion t,:! Delange, seconded b:T Stromquist, Claims 1018 thru 1032 were <br />approved 1'01' pa~7'ment. I\';otion passed. <br /> <br />Fpon motion by Hoyt, seconded by Stromcluist, claims 991 and 1033, payments <br />1'01' use ai' village he 11 were approved lor payment. i;;otion pa s s ed. <br /> <br />TiIeeting Vfas adjour'ned at 10:40 P.lvI. <br /> <br />'~i~~~t/'~ .,? y"', <br />.l.v,__,-..;ll.. v. _ ~".-'-it, .1;. , ;,;+.1, ""'",,1.'. <br /> <br />LOELAIlE .0;. S'I'E:'J:',,;;;.~, IS '1' , CL2::,K <br /> <br />. <br />