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<br />270 <br /> <br />PU BLIC S.AFE'I'Y CmaiITTEB: Mr. i1infrey reported that two applica tions fOI' <br />the position of Police 01'ficer for the newly annexed al'ea had been received. <br />The applicants are 1',:1'. Jack Wolf and i'iIr. John Ock. <br /> <br />1'1.1'. Winfrey sugvested that the Council check into putting a curfew ordinance <br />in effect in the village. '.rhe Public Safet~T Co."mj_ttee is to make recoll'Jllend- <br />ations to the Council. The cClnmittee will also check into an ordinance on <br />closing time for the public beach. <br /> <br />!{l'. ',iinfrey stated tr18.t tile majority of the Public Safety Committee favors <br />the purcLase of one squad car. A definate reCOliJnenc1ation is to be made <br />. later by the committee., <br /> <br />PUBLIC \-;:OEKS COI'.i=:;:rrTEE: =~5r. Delange reported that he has reed numerous <br />complaints because Jensen Avenue is not completed. Mr. DeLange was requested <br />by Council to discuss the matter with Stanly Miller, the developel' of the <br />plat. <br />1\,1'. DeLanr;e roported an es tima te by Cal'ley of (]:3200.00 for tile 10werL:g of <br />Edgewa ter A venue. l,'layor Ashbach sugges ted that we oall for bids for the <br />alternate plan of ditching it on the nOl'th side. rloyt moved, Delange <br />seoonded the motion vie instruot Carle~T too draw up plans and specifioations <br />aod necessary doouments for Clerk to call for bids for ditohing the area <br />between Hidgewood Hoad and Asbury ami includiL[C tLe dead end l'oad on the <br />north end of Ridr;ewood Road. Motion passed. <br /> <br />!.lr. Delange moved, Hoyt see .::nded the motion we also take bids for seal <br />coating for village streets and an altei'nate for the newly annexed area. <br />;:lotion passed. <br /> <br />PU-'LIC WJ:<:Llc.;PE: Dr. Hoyt moved, DeLange sec onded the mot ion we in troduoe for <br />f'lrst reading and arrcmendment to the L~lilding Code on tile size of dwellings. <br />!:lotion 1'a ssed. <br />A second l'eading was given the arn,,,endment to the ':'oning Ordinance providing <br />for ccnditional use permits. HOit moved, 'J;in~rey seconded the motion t;~is <br />be conslder'ed the seoonde of' the ordinanoe. ;,'lotion passed. <br /> <br />l.';ayor Ashbach requested tLat in the future each Counoil rneml..,er be given a <br />copy of proposed ordinances or arJlinendments xx to ordinanoes befol'e the first <br />reS_ding of teee ordinance or between the first and second readings. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />T~~ere was no x'ecor'Jnendation as yet on t[:e application of George OsteI' fDI' <br />Plumbing Inspector, ~S' <br />1~~ <br />Hoyt moved, Winfrey seconded the lLOtion that the proposed pIa shall be . <br />,. t t th "'ollowing' ded1cat:ic n of exceptlon <br />(,;iVse~ temporarJf' arl,~)rtoVtaOr,lls. UIIOa']~: fO~ IJ1:v~round, ~;r;ng;ment for maintenanc <br />on "cOl'ner 0 p" c~ ," l' <br />of c~unty ditch across s~ corner by insttall~t~on.o~u:~~f~lS:;:~ ~djOin- <br />d ' te size constructlon of access s reo 0 ln <br />~ eq:;a th - de' of the plat rezonini': of SW co,'ner now 1/.KX::t.E.KlIl::i!;XXitxtEX <br />.., t1p' uQU <::: l i. -, ~ "n_, r eT' as <br />i~~ustri~l-to residential, and platting of exception on n~ co n . <br />proposed by Mr. Jones. Motion passed. <br /> <br />T:pon motion by DeLange, see on~ed by 'iiinf~ey, Cou~c II aocepte~. ~he t ~es i~na ~~on <br />of Glen Petel'son from the offlce of Justloe of tne Feace, re"lhna lon 0 <br />eff'ective Iilay 15, 1957. Motion passed. <br />