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<br /> 3o~ <br /> Mayor Ashbach h::d to leave the meeting at this time. Upon motion by <br /> Winfrey, seconded by, a resolution approving ~Fi!'e Contract <br /> and authorizing the Mayor and Council of Arden Hills to enter into a <br /> fire protection cont@ict Lake Johanna Fire Department J:nc., for <br /> years 1958 and 1959 3200 per year was passed by the Council. Carried. <br /> A correction in the description of the property listed on the bond j,ssue <br /> for the Dece':,ber 3 election was~ed by Attorney. The descriptd..on <br /> of Lots 1, 2, and 3, Bloclr ,,~. or ej recommended that clerk correct <br /> the posted notices and reprint the }egal notice in the Rose Tribune in <br /> . correct foren. The ballot will be correctly printed. Attorney stated <br /> that if the vote is affirmative, a new election may have to be held <br /> because of the error, but suggested we proceed with proposed question on <br /> ballot on December 3 as ~e will have election board etc. on duty anyway <br /> at the annual elect:Lon of officers held the same date. The error <br /> originated from an incorrect legal description in the letter from the <br /> owner of the lots, John Kenna. <br /> CLERKS REPORT: In regard to the easement from Mounds View School District <br /> for a road in Johanna N~rrows plot Winfrey moved Stromquist seconded <br /> the motLon that 1'1e authorize the A{torney and Village Engineer to prepare <br /> the necessary documents to accept the 10 foot ease'ent offered by the <br /> school district. Hotion passed. <br /> A letter fron Hr. Donald Duncan objectil)~ to a $10.00 fine for exceeding <br /> the speed limit on Hamline A venue and co plaining of the speed limit W2S <br /> referred to the Public Safety Committee. Clerk to ",rite Hr. Duncan <br /> informing him of the action tal{en. <br /> Mrs. stromquist referred a matter of interpretation of the Building Code <br /> in :'egard to fee ch,'.\I'E;ed for Cesspoo::.s 2nd drainfields to the 1 ttorney. <br /> L re",ort on cont2Jllination of 2 ponds :',n Arden Hills subni tted by the <br /> health officer was read And filed with Clerk records. <br /> Dr. Hoyt reported that BuilMng permit 11'340 to Arthur Brom has been <br /> voided as Mr. Brom does not intend to build at present. The permi t for <br /> a b:'semont HO.S in violation of our Building Code. <br /> PUBL:C SAFETY: Hr. Winfrey recommended thpt ',ore accept the al ternde bid <br /> of Hid\Vay Ford for $2240.00 for the squad car. Lction ~T8.S del:',yed by <br /> Council until next meeting, llS rlllyor Ashbach hlld to leave the meeting ellrly <br /> FUEL:: C T,iELF ,'RE: A letter from tITS Margaret lxneson \VllS read. Upon motion <br /> by Winfrey, seconded by Stromauist, approval was given the application for <br /> . a Conditional Use Permit for the Grotto Club llt 1659 Lake Johanna Blvd., <br /> subject to receipt of a favorabLe report on the motteI' from the village <br /> Health Off5,cer. <br /> Claims #1201r thru 1221, except claim #1220 ,"ere approved by the Council. <br /> Dr. Hoyt ;rill check claim #122.0. <br /> The meeting \Vas adjourned at 10:30 P.M. <br /> ~ /r;;iu'1cJ. a.~" fI- . .II ~f~~~~ <br /> Robert O. Ashbach, Meyor <br /> Lorraine E. Stromquist Clerk <br />