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<br /> SIC)- A- <br /> STA'rE OF MINNESOTA <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY <br /> VILLAGE OF ARDEN HILUl <br /> RESOLUTION RE cc,;.m:;,mATION FOE SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN THE VICINITY OF GRANT <br /> ROAD <br /> . ''vn.Gril:..AS , the Council had duly determinted that a certain stabilization <br /> and stol'r;; sewer irc,provement should be made on Grant Road from New Brighton <br /> Road to F'e.irview Avenue. and on Fairview Avenue from Noble Road to Grant <br /> ROad. all pursuant to a public hearing h@ld on Decembel' 9. 1957. pul'suant <br /> to the p'ovisions of la.w known as the Local Improvement Code (Minnesota <br /> Statutes, Sections 429.011 to 429.111), and <br /> 'iliihereas I in connection with this improvement it is necessary to ab- <br /> tain an easement to instcll and pl'operly maintain this sewer ovel' and upon <br /> the North ten (N.lO) feet of Lot Two (2) Block Five (5). Alexander Grant <br /> Park. according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of <br /> the Registel' of Deeds of Ramsey County. and <br /> WHEREAS, the Council has been unable to obtain such easement by nego- <br /> tiations with the land owner, <br /> NOVY THEREF'ORE, SE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Attorney is hereby <br /> instructed to proveed with condemnation action under the Power of Eminent <br /> Domain for the purpose of acquiring said easement over the aforedescribed <br /> property, all on behalf of the Village of Arden Hills. <br /> Passed by the gouncil of the Village of Arden Hills this 30 day <br /> . December. 1957. <br /> Robert O. Ashbach, Mayor <br /> of the Village of Arden Hills <br /> Attest: <br /> Lorraine E. Stromquist. Clerk <br /> of the Villa f1e of Arden Hills <br /> ) ,-,-... ,'>" <br /> _ --t"___ <br /> - <br />