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<br />Minutes of July 14, 1958 COQncil meeting <br />page 2 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />PUBLIC SAFETY COHHITTEE: Crepeau presented a rough draft of a form for <br />licensing motor boats in the Village. Upon motion by AShbach, seoonded <br />by Winfrey, Council authorized printing of the form presented and in- <br />strQcted Crepeau to post notice that the lioensing will be effeotive be- <br />ginning the next week-end. Motion passed. <br /> <br />Crepeau was authorized to use the service of Village Constables for issu- <br />ing lioenses at the beaoh. <br /> <br />PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE: DeLange reported that work is to be started as <br />soon as possible on the Grant Road project. <br /> <br />DeLange reported that Engineer Carley is cheoking the road easment 2t <br />the location of the Odd Fellows Hall on Lake Josephine and will report <br />later. <br /> <br />PUELIC ~~FARE C01~fiTTEE: Winfrey reported the unfinished house on <br />Tiller Lane is still causing many complaints in the neighborhood. Win- <br />frey to oheck with attorney on the progress of the condemnation aotion. <br /> <br />Winfrey reported that the Village of Roseville has not inoreased their <br />rates for cesspool and well drilling permits, and as Arden Hills has <br />adopted the Roseville Building Code, he recommended that the request <br />from George Oster, Plumbing Inspector, for a rate increase on them be <br />denied. Counoil accepted the recommendation. Clerk to inform Plumb- <br />ing Inspector, <br /> <br />Winfrey moved to suspend the rules and oonsider the reading of an Amend- <br />ment to tLC Zoning Ordinance to allow Rest Homes and Hospitals in the <br />R-2 area, to be known as Ordinance #34, be considered the seoond and <br />final reading. Stromquist seoond a~d motion was passed. <br /> <br />VJcrOR'S REPORT: Hayor Ashbaoh reported he may have something definite <br />to report on the Arsenal sewer lease at the next meeting. <br /> <br />CLERK'S REPORT: Clerk read a letter from Attorney Courtney re: the <br />purchase of the Kenna property and abatement of 1951 and 1959 real <br />estate taxes. Upon motion by Stromq~ist, seconded by Winfrey, Attorney <br />to be requested to prepare application for the abatement. <br /> <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 p.m. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />V~YO; ~A~ <br /> <br />~v-~~~ <br />" L, LOR lEE E... , . <br /> <br />-~ <br />