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<br />Council minutes for Sentember '3. 19513 >neetinr; <br />nage 2 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />A public hee,ring ,;as held on the proposed 1959 Village budget. Each <br />Council member presentee: his o'tln proposed budget and Clerk summarized <br />.the fig~re s. The budget proposed ,)OU:).l1 allow' f~1;12, 000. 00 for Public <br />'.1orl\:s,!;'9"S15.50 far Administrative nnd General expenses,";), 750.00 for <br />~ubli2cW~lfare and 012,171.30 fo~ Public S~fetv, ~or a total of <br />37,7)./.c,0. Estimated recelpts Lor 1959 ,Hll oe,10,150.00; therefo'ce <br />f' tax levy of ((27.589.S0 '!lill be requested of County AucHtor from C'enere.l <br />Property taxes. ?he amount shoulc. reduce the Village mill rate sliC:htly. <br /> <br />HI". Emmet ',iilliams stated he felt the Public Horks budget insufficient. <br />Hayor Ashbach explained the road s1 tuation, includinC: the possibility of <br />sewer installation in some P8'tS of the Village and explained that road <br />improveoents in those areas '\~ould be impractic2,1 at this time if they [-ere <br />to be dug UD ap;ein in the neAT future fOl' Se"'er install:>,tion. <br /> <br />The public hearing on the budget closed. <br /> <br />EIWINEEE'S PEPeRT: Don Carley Dresentec, 8. easement for the Johanna <br />Nnrro1rJs plat, and sugp:e steo. Village accept and file it. Upon notion by <br />DeLange. seconded by Stromquist, V:i.l~~ge accepted the road. easement from <br />Lillias A. Joy for an easenent to a aD foot strip of lana. for roed <br />purposes in the JohHnna IJaj'rO'r7s clat. Hotion passed. <br /> <br />Some Arden Hills/j2 residents felt tho.t the street Glenarden l'.08,C', runninG <br />through the playground. at County R08,c1 E and Hsmline Avenue sl1ou.ld be <br />eliminated Ht that location. Mayor Ashbach felt a public hearing s~ould <br />'oe neld before closing a Village street. Mr. Schreyer inquirec. if a <br />petition from resio.ents concerned "!QuId be sufficient. Attorney to check <br />into mEtteI'. <br /> <br />ARD<;;N <br />A petition from some re sidents of 1::101 eWloo. Hills #1 reque reopening <br />of an alle:' in their area ano. cost estimates on alley improvements is to <br />be referred to Attorney Courtney to check definite location of the alley <br />as fililld vith County. Engineer Carley was reQuested to prepare cost <br />estimates as reQuested in petition. <br /> <br />Council reQuested Clerk to put notice in local capers reQuesting applica- <br />tions for a Village Plumbing Inspector. <br /> <br />UDon motion by Strom~uist, seconded by Crepeau, la>. Ralph Viige of Hounds <br />Vie,1 High School ,JaS granted oermission to our chase firewor)rs to be used <br />[l,t the half o,urine: football season. I.lotion passed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Mr. DeLange and 1~. Crepeau were requesteQ to represent Arden Hills as <br />hosts to the regional meeting and fire school of the fire department. <br /> <br />Foon motion by Crepeau, seconded by Winfrey, a Village oro.iance to elimin- <br />ate t':le office of Constable '\~as introc1uced by title. Motion passed. <br /> <br />A letter from Attorney COL~tney was read by Clerk. Attorney stated in <br />letter that VillEge Council does have authori ty to provide lightin(; for <br />use of part of Lake Johanna as a public skating rink. <br />