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<br />Council minutes "or <br /> 3 <br /> <br />Se.:Jt8Elbel' r~ <br />. ..~. , <br /> <br />1956 meeting <br /> <br />The letter also stated that the use of funds tp prevent oak wilt in <br />Arden Hills would, in his opinion, be 8. 'Jrivate problem involving private <br />oroperty and that such exoenditure could not be from Village funds <br />except for treatment on trees on Village owned property. No Council action <br />was taken on the two matters. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Liquor license recuests ,Iere presented by Clerk from the following: <br />11m. i'IcQ;ue - Off-sale <br />John A. Maciaszek - On and Off sale <br />Richard Schreyer - Cn and Off Sale <br />Donald Stecker - On and Off Sale <br />Lynthon C. Anderson - On sale <br /> <br />A letter of reouest for a license for On and Off sale was also presented <br />from S. J. Krannek. <br /> <br />After Council c1.1scussion and consideration, motion ~IaS made by 'Jinfrey, <br />seconded by Crepeau that JonalC,- Stecker, opera tor of 'Jagon \/heel Inn be <br />issued a license for On 8.DC Off sale liclUor subject to a cileck of applica- <br />tion by Village Attorney, and approval as to police department and fire <br />(lepartment of premises, 2.nCl orODer bonding renuirements are filed ,!i th <br />Clerk. Motion passed. <br /> <br />The remainder of the liouor applications were referred to the F1nance <br />Co~mittee for recownendation by the meeting of September 29, 1958. <br /> <br />Reoreser1l1tives of the Jehova 1;Titness Church were informed that their <br />proposed oarking lot was insufficient ann they were reouested to consider <br />the pUl' of ac1c.Iitional Ipcn0 for their 1)roooseo. ne~T church building at <br />,. "A "., ,- 11." <br />l"J~ounc. venue r...igll't-Ja;)i ~I<). <br /> <br />Mayor Ashbach left ICleetjng et 10:10 o.:D. 1'.no Trustee DeLange acted as <br />mayor for remainQer of meeting. <br /> <br />Police Chlef Ueber reDorteo_ th8.t ),11'. Glen Bevan, 3131 1,:. =-'exin[':ton re- <br />quested rerooval by o"ner of some olel ~!ooden builc1iw's that v'ere formerly <br />used as outhouses, but not'l are an eyesore to neighborhood, or if not re- <br />r.lovec':, then the cons t,c'LJ.::tion of an '3 I fence to close them off from nei ghbor <br />hood. >11'. 'Jeber to obtain name o,~ Oimer of buildin;;:s and inform Cle!'k <br />",11:) 'crill refer natter to Attorney. .. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> Insnec'cor Kelle'l:r re0orte6. 8.- comolaint oi&sgaam 'Jonstructi?n on <br />>Juildins )eI'rni t fees. C~lmcil o_etermine:t t:'la t the fee GIl8."rged LB.!'- ;JeeE <br />less tlB.1 leG~all~r 8.1J_o1.'Iecl. cencI Nr. KeJ_J_ey Ivas renLJ.ested to 80 in:::"orrn. ~che <br />.':.tiSD"2.prC1. Coristructi0n Com1)any. <br /> <br />T:18 r:eeting ~.)'as adjourned 2.t 10: :;/) p.:J. <br /> <br />-.:t-V1A'L-'--'V<- ~ :Stzc-,~;/"' ~ <br />Clerk <br /> <br />? ...k."'/1:J. {jn.R.~,_. L <br />14e.yor <br />