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<br /> , <br /> " <br /> EXTRACT OF MINl1I'ES OF REGULAR MEETIl<<i <br /> OF TIlE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF TIlE VILLAGE <br /> . OF ARDEN HIllS, MINNESOfA, HELD OCT- <br /> OBER 27, 1958. <br /> . <br /> Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Village <br /> Council of the Village of Arden Hills, Minnesota, was duly held at the Village <br /> Hall in said Village on October 27, 1958. <br /> The following members wre present: <br /> Robert O. Ashbach, Mayor <br /> L. H. Winfrey, Trustee <br /> Henry Crepeau, Jr., Trustee <br /> B. J. DeLange, Trustee <br /> Lorraine E. Stromquist, Clerk <br /> . It was brought to the attention of the Council that there was an inadvertent <br /> error in paragraph 6 of the Resolution passed June 9, 1958, providing for the <br /> issuance of Real Estate PurchaSe Bonds of 1958 and Levying A Tax For The P~ent <br /> thereof. <br /> Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously <br /> RESOLVED: That paragraph 6 of said Resolution Providing For The <br /> Issuance Of $10,000.00 Real Estate Purchase Bonds Of 1958 And Levying A Tax . <br /> For The Payment Thereof, in so far as the totaling of years and amounts, be <br /> amended to read as follows, to-wit: <br /> Year .Amount <br /> 1958 $2,650.00 <br /> 1959 2,280.00 <br /> 1960 2,225.00 <br /> 1961 2,175.00 <br /> 1962 2,125.00 <br /> The aforesaid Resolution passed June 9, 1958 is affirmed <br /> in all other respects, and the Village Clerk is directed to file a certified <br /> copy of this amending resolution with the County Auditor of Ramsey County, <br /> Minnesota. <br /> STATE OF MINNESOTA ) <br /> COUNTY OF RAMSEY )ss <br /> VIllAGE OF ARDEN HILLS) <br /> , <br /> I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Village Clerk of <br /> the Village of Arden Hills, Minnesota, 00 HEREBY CERTIFY that on the <br /> day of October, 1958, I compared the attached Extract of Minutes of Meeting <br /> wi th the original thereof on file in my office and that the s8llle is a full, true <br /> and. complete transcript thereof insofar as the same refer to a resolution ac- <br /> cepting a bid for bonds and authorizing the issuance of bonds and a tax levy <br /> for payment of the s8llle. <br /> , <br /> \Witness my hand and the corporate seal of said Village this;;J 1 day of <br /> October, 1958. <br /> Corporate seal: J: '-'-- C-- c5h-rn 1" UJ -' ~ <br /> Lor~tromquist ' <br /> Village Clerk <br /> Village of Arden Hills <br /> state of lIfinnesota <br />