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<br /> .- .. .... <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, October 27, 1953 <br /> page 2 <br /> A copy of the lease agreement for Hillside Tavern building by Richard <br /> Schreyer 'l-1as Dresented Council. Council reQuested clerk to ale the paper <br /> \"ri th J>lr. Schreyer1s application for liquor license. <br /> PUBLI C HORKS: Council requested Engineer Carley to submit list of <br /> streets to be snow-plowed to County Engineer. <br /> Hr. T)eLcmge reported 8. complaint from Mr. Kinr,y of being parked on <br /> . turn-8.round at Jenson Avemle (Shoreline Lane) 8,nd that people are driving <br /> on it not knowing it is a dead end street. Matter referred to DeLange. <br /> PUBLIC SAFETY: Crepeau reported he requested Mr. Barthany to change the <br /> night of Justice Court. <br /> Crepeau reported that if Arden Hills desires legiSlative action on any <br /> matters, the Village Attorney Should work with other Village attorneys in <br /> Ramsey County to present the matter through the Ramsey County Legislative <br /> Committee. Stromc1Uist requestecc Attorney to check into matter of request- <br /> .pn amendment to the liquor 18.wS of Ramsey County to 8110"" the serving <br /> of liquor 8.nel food ir: the same room in Villages under 5,000. <br /> MAYOR 'S REPOH'l': Ashbach presented a letter of complaint from a Roseville <br /> r'esident stating ~ Arden Hills Police Officer '.-Jolf VI8.6 investigating the <br /> of Jffi cer ~!'i'~of Hosevill e, \.Ihich terri tory is not in his juri s- <br /> diction. Th8 m8.tter was referred to Safety Director CreDoau and Police <br /> Chi.ef "-leber. <br /> Mr. Saar recyestec. information of vlhen the upper end of Stowe Avenue will <br /> be improved. DeLange informed him tha"0 it is to be workec, on next year. <br /> CLERK'S REPORT: Stromquist reported a request of Dr. Se:dlOn to seno. e, <br /> nuisance notice to }{r. Gallee for overflo\'ling cesspool on Grant Road. Vic <br /> Weber l"eported he has investigated, t'.:18 matter and the owner has promised to <br /> construct a trench to prevent vlater from running on the road, 2,nd \-Jll1 try <br /> to improve the condition immediately. <br /> Board of Appeals Minutes of October 13, 1958 were presented Council members. <br /> THO ordinances from Roseville in re~e.rd. to health ancI welfare of presented <br /> by Dr. Sekhon He1"e refer:'ed to tl'Le utlic Uelfare Gommi ttee. <br /> Attorney Gourtney informec. Council tha.t Arden Hills Village could and should <br /> pay rent ",no. utili ties to Hounds Vie\-1 Villa&:e unti 1 we have title to the <br /> . property, that the $25.00 down payment we mcde does not make us owners of <br /> the property. Upon motion by ':Tinfre:)', seconded by DeLange, Glerk vIas re- <br /> que sted. to Ilrepare claim and cI-leck for rent and utilities for Village Hall <br /> for Council approval tn November. Motion passed. <br /> A copy of Restrictive Covenants for SH6 was filed with Clerk1s records. <br /> Gle.ims 1539 tr-J.l'ough 1563 1'lere 2-,?proved by Gounci 1 for payment. <br /> The neeting l,'.;r2.S adjourned. at 10:30 p.m. <br /> ~( ~. ~J.... <br /> (1lerk 1-'~Q Lorraine E. Hayor, Robert O. Ashbach <br /> u_.._ ..., '.,"- '-'e <br />