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CC 02-09-1959
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 02-09-1959
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<br />MINUTES <br />COUNCIL OF <br />Monday, <br /> <br />OF REGULA 11 .ME;'ETING <br />THE VILLAC1E OF ARDEN HILLS <br />February 9, 1959 <br /> <br />The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor Ashbach. <br />Roll Call: Present; AShbach, Winfrey, Crepeau, Kennedy, Stromquist. <br />Absent; None <br /> <br />Mayor Ashbach read a letter from the Minnesota Highway Dep~rtment granting <br />a permit to Arden Hills to retain entrance from Johanna Blvd. to Ridgewood <br />Court upon condition that Arden Hills will assume the perpetual maintenance <br />. of said entrance. The letter was filed with Clerk. Mayor Ashbach suggested <br />that a public hearing be set for the Ridgewood Court matter. Mrs. Tissel, <br />who requestea permission to present the facts on the Ridgewood Court matter <br />to the entire Council reported as follows: A map of Arden Hills #1 was <br />shown, giving contour of plat, platting date 1945 and showing East-west alley <br />and that part now called Ridgeweod Court, and showing the platted easement <br />down to Siems Court. Mrs. Tissel stated that in 1951, when the Gardener hous <br />was builtbeing located only lOR from that platted easement, people were still <br />using the trail but that Mr. Gardener closed it off with various gates, <br />fences etc. until eventully it was not used anymore, the people turning <br />around instead at the turn around that now exists. In July, 1958 Mr. Paul <br />Klass wrote to Trustee Delange and requested that the road (Ridgewood Court) <br />be fixed up. Mr. DeLange informed him that the Village was unable to do so <br />as turn around is located on provate property. Mrs. Tissel stated that <br />Mr. Klass then talked with Mr. Gardener, Showing him Trustee Delange's <br />letter. Mrs. Tissel stated that Mr. Klass received no cooperation from <br />Mr. Gardener on the matter, only abuse, insults and swearing. Mr. Klass <br />then went to hamsey County court house and obtained a copy of the plat <br />showing easement going past Mr. Gardener's house. With this information <br />SOmB of the neighbors met informally, composed a list of seven access needs <br />(list attached) and requested same from village council. <br />Mrs. Tissel stated that in July a letter was written qsking council the <br />status of the road and were told that an easement to siems Court existed. <br />At that time a petition was presented Council asking that the fence and rock <br />pile on easement be removed by Mr. Gardener and also asking for an estimate <br />of cost of improving easement. Mrs. Tissel explained the meetings held and <br />various solutions to problems discussed by residents and Council members. <br />Mrs. Tissel expressed dissatisfaction with the present proposed plan of a 3' <br />wide footpath going straight thru the plat down to Arden Place. <br />Mr. Klass stated that he felt that he might lose several hundred to <br />thousands of dollars if the existing easement is vacated and turn around put <br />in its place. <br />Council felt that a public hearing should be set on the matter. The <br />public hearing was set for February l8, but upon checking with Village <br />Attorney, we found that we must have at least two weeks published and posted <br />.notice. Upon motion by Crepeau, seconded by Winfrey the pUblic hearing was <br />set for March 5, 1959 at 8:00 P.M. at the Village Hall at l450 Highway #96 <br />for the purpose of fact finding on the matter, vacation of easement as <br />petitioned for by Mr. Gardener and acquisition Of property for public <br />purposes, as per Resolution attached. Motion passed. <br /> <br />Mr. Ken Sparks presented a petition to close a pDrtion of Glenarden Road in <br />the playground area. Upon motion by Stromquist, seconded by Crepeau, a pUbl! <br />hearing was set to close a portion of Glenpaul Road in the playground area <br />for March 30, 1959 at 8:00 P.M. at the Village Hall. Motion passed. <br />Council requested Village Attorney to be present at the hearing. The matter <br />was referred to the Public Welfare Committee and to the Public Works <br />Committee for recommendation. <br />
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