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<br />., <br />f ., .... <br />" <br /> <br />grAn (JI lUlI~ <br /> <br />CXUI'lY " lWlSI'l <br /> <br />V1IJ,N.iI (JI ,RUllI mu.& <br /> <br />l'lESClJJ1'1c. VACA'l'DD IUft'1aI OF Al..UY <br /> <br />lIHSIUI:AS, . Pct.ltlantr a1M.tlllCl __a ,.. b8nt0ton tlled <br />with this Council ~ to t1w pl'ovl.1Cll$ of SectlOh 412.8S1 of - 19b5 <br />1,1 m....ota .. r rAf, request.lng t1w 'VIlClltlOh of t1wporUOh of tbI8 , <br />8Uey blU\atnatta' ntnwd to, and I <br />: litEIUfAS, pur...m. to . 1'le801ut.lm of thla Coullcll dated r;;).Lk-' q~~ I <br />1',\ . 1m, published and posted notice .. ~ glwn - . ptAtllc <br />i,,1 hiilIrlng to be hd4 ther.. fill the $t.h dIlY of MaI'ch, 19$9. tat 8100 o'clock p... i <br />tat 8 .-olal lIIMt.lJI(l of the Council du4' called t_sald JNIPOM, "'4 IlDtlce ' <br />I 1lelno glwn ptJI'8UMt to t1w provislOh of "d statute. and <br />II '<<HSREAS, ..Id hdl'lng hils belen du1;y bald and 811 ~ f. and <br />agalnst' add vaeatlm bIMI bMn IleIII.'d and ~ CClI'IlIldsnd by - eouncll, <br />1\ <br />I <br />Ii <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />.,W THl5RJ!2l'(IlE, upoIl tIOttm __ by Trustee'1infrey <br />. HOom.l1 tr Trustee Kennedy <br />, II1d unanimously approved, with five votes in favor <br />and none against, it was <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />\ <br />il <br />II <br />:1 <br /> <br />I' <br />il <br />II <br /> <br />1 <br />Ii <br />!I <br />II <br />I <br />,I <br />Ii <br />Ii <br />Ii <br />I' <br />I <br />" <br />'I <br />Ii <br />,I <br />q <br />I' <br />II <br />Ii <br />:j <br /> <br />rut5l1.VED, tbat. It .......... In tlw Int.veat of tbI8 public to 11'1." <br />tile tollovlng described portion of tile 811117 lying Jletwen I.Ots <br />17 and 18, Block 1, Jla'den HUls, IllCC01Itdlng to tile plat thlteof on <br />tn. end of nqord In tbI8 office ot t.hI fieglst.IV of Tltl.. of <br />1'l8lUay ~, \t1lch poI'tlOh Is de..-1be4 .. follOWS, t.o-wlt.. <br />Cow4lliClng at _ Southw.wr17 4011_ of Lot. 18, tJ\aIIe <br />Fllc.adlng 8lclIV. the southerly 1" of "'12 Lot 18 to t1w <br />ScItItbe8ster1\Y coma' of Lot 18, 8 d"~ of 200 twt .... <br />_ 1.a" tMnce SOUf'lnlJ' In 8 stftiabt lIne to -~1r <br />line of Lot. 17 of _~d 8l0Ck h ~ lob't.a"~ to t1w ftllI'tb- <br />wtlta'4' QCl'I* of Lot. 17 8 dlstanclt of 200 feet IIllft _ s:::~ <br />tbInOI lortheI'17 In 8 .\nIght. line . dls\c&Ol of 20 t..t. . <br />_ 1.s. to toM place of beginning, but. ..-4o,..t.l1lG tIw,t. portion <br />ot t.hI 81187 ~lng wlthln tbI8 tun,.;)UIld. ' I <br />IE IT I'UIlTHIlR RESCLVED. that tbI8 ...4 de.Cll'Ibe4 p01Ittlon of thI. I <br />8Ueybe and It here1:IV 18 VllClIlt4Id. I <br />, <br />B! IT PUm1FJ< RESCLV!D, \hat, .... t.hI 0lII\eI'llI of t1w 8but.t11lG~ <br />"........,.1tl baw Jolntd In the dedleatlon of en ..,.-t of 8 S toot " <br />strip fat use ~ pedaatrlen trattle, t4\lch ...IH'It bas lleen <br />ed without. dlaI'ge to the Village _ to the publiC, that no ~ . <br />and no awrd of <1 ges In fflrror of tbI8 VIU. shall :be .... fat <br />t.hI 'VIlCI8tlon of ..112 8Uq. <br />