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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ACCSbS N&EDS OF Tel"; 14 LOTS "HIeli HAVE ACCESS m,LY BY 'l'HE SERVICE <br /> <br />ROAD ( RHXm\'iOOD COURT) <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />1) ~~e service ro~d ( und Ridgewood ROfid as well ) have no <br />platted eonnection with Lake Johanna Blvd.. They dead end against <br />sta.te property. Since the state always takes preeedeneettover <br />personal. or local use, there \,ill always be the oossibillty t~l!'lt <br />t e ats..te llUl,y diB~)oBe of that property or use it in such a way that <br />wovld <l-lock the roads ::nentioned. '~ithout our out6et to Sierns <br />COUt't 14 lots would be isolated. <br /> <br />'3) Ji.'mergeney vehicl,~. currently have a difficult time lind1tlg <br />us. Furtnermore', Dne fire engine blocks entrance of any oeher <br />needed emergency veb.1cle. <br /> <br />3) Othc'r deliveries----oil. milk, mail, packs,ges----would be <br />fscilitated. <br /> <br />4) '!;ith a throW,:) road maintenance v,culd be better. A 20 foot <br />roud is too m'l'l"OW i'or snow ;~lows, tar and gravel truc~s. etc. <br />to maneuver upon without an exit. and as a result, ~lntenance is <br />degenerating. <br /> <br />5) Vi'len thu road is blocked now fit 1Il Y point b, repairs, del:iyy. <br />accLient or some ot'ler. everyone south 01' tllnt point is blooked. <br /> <br />6) Evaluation of :ill our properties would be improved. <br /> <br />7) Our ch11([1'(3D n"ed aCCElSCI to Siems Court where taey wait for <br />the scc'~ool bus. Access to the wlole rest of the neif;'lborhood <br />is nGtur(llly' there as well as access to our island bench. <br /> <br />, <br />