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<br />;:-<:'- <br /> <br />~"". ' <br /> <br />STATE OF MDiNESOT.l <br />COUNTY OF. IlAMSEY <br />VI1LA.CE OF AltOEX HILLS <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />RESOLUTICII . REI Vacation of Alley 111 Block 1. Arden Hills <br /> <br />Upcm reading the petition filed herein by Klza 1. CJ.rdner and lij,lc:l:red <br /> <br />F. CJ.rdner. it appearing to the council that llaidpetitioneI'll are a -,jority <br /> <br />or the ownere or land &butting (I(l the alley _ttit'to be vacated and here1l1 <br /> <br />af'ter c!&llCribed, the roll.2lt.soluuon 18 hereby adopted, ta-ldtl <br /> <br />RESOLVED, that at the lIleeUnf of the council to be held in the Village <br />Hall on Thursday, March 5, 19$9, at 8100 o'clock P.M., a public hearing <br />shall be beJA 'on the advillll,bllUy of 'laeating thet portion of an alley <br />lyinj; betwen Lots 17 IIl'ld 18, Block I, Arden HUlB, deB<l,'ibed 811 follonl <br /> <br />Crllllll"'neinr lOt the ilouthwellterly comer of Lot 18, thence <br />proeeedi:1<; a:'.ong the southerly line of.sa1d Lot l8, to the <br />Southeasterly comer of Lot 18, a distance of 200 teet. <br />IIOre or less, thence Southerly in So streir:ht line to the <br />northerly line of Lot 17 of Aid Block 1, .thence Westerly <br />to the lIortbKesterly comer of Lot 17 a distance of 200 <br />teet ..ore or leS8, t>'enceNortherly in a Iltraight line So <br />distance of 20 feet IIOre or less to the plaCe of beginning, <br />excepting that portion of the exifttinr ea_nt, it IIl'lY, <br />1y:Ing within the turnaround abutting upcn said alley. <br /> <br />RESOLVED Ftb~dt,fi, that notice of hearing shall. be prepared by tbe Clerk <br />and publi8hed twice in the Roee Tribune before the date of Ilaid bearing, <br />and po&ted pUr8Uant to lav. <br /> <br />Uated at.4rdtm H1lle this tj <br /> <br />da1 of February, 1959. <br /> <br />Al"l'ESTI <br /> <br />~.(Up~.' <br />yor . <br /> <br />I <br />/.... - /' '1 " /'. <br />(m.;; {~t(>f>-,/'L~ Z;.~ <br /> <br />k/",,;-, <br />.~,./~<...,...-/~;t~u_.,:(.I.:-.. <br /> <br />/ <br /> <br />. <br />